Monthly Archives: February 2016

What you buy what you get rid of

I was speaking to a buddy. I asked what he was up to. He told me the basics.

Then he said he liked doing this one thing so much he could barely sleep. He was so excited about this even in his life. He could not sleep. Then he would wake up at like 5am in the morning and spend the day doing this activity. I was happy for him, but then… Why the fuck dont I have have something that makes me that excited. Yes there are things I like to do. I am sometimes excited. I cant remember that last time I was so excited. I could not sleep cause I was getting to do something the next day. I have been stressed about a test, but I dont call that a happy excited.

I have been looking for an ebike I like for a couple of months. I took a ride a Trek E-Bike yesterday. Woot. This thing is nice. It is also 3k dollars. I am not going through the justification process to I can buy it for myself.

Part of this is justification is getting rid of something. I am going to get ride of my old 1985 Honda shadow. I will be getting a 500$ tax deduction(or more). I am a little sad to get rid of it even though I wont be fixing it. Just losing some of the memories.