Monthly Archives: April 2018

One Life’s Path

Real Love Tattoo Pure Life Tattoo

These tattoos represent Eternal Lover and Eternal Life, which are gifts from God. Angelist stated that Real love and Pure Life is Jesus Christ.

Sunrise Tattoo

This tattoo depicts a sunrise. The sunrise is life, and a new beginning. Around the sunrise are daggers that come out at different times in life. You don’t know when the daggers will come out.

Eve Tattoo Eve Tattoo Eve Tattoo

Eve tattoo. This tattoo represents love and Eve, who was the first Woman. Angelist associates love with women. The ivy is there to represent life after death.

crucifix over sin tattoo

Crucifix tattoo. The crucifix is above sin to represent that the crucifix conquers sin.

Sin Tattoo

A better picture of the sin tattoo.

Peace Tattoo

Peace Tattoo. After you die, you can have peace.

Devil Leaning on Cross Tattoo Devil Leaning on Cross Tattoo

Devil Tattoo. Angelist stated, “The devil is real and he is everywhere. The devil is real but you can have life after death. The devil is real, but on bad days I can keep the devil at arms length.” The tattoo is located on the arm.

Birth Date Tattoo Birth Date Tattoo

Birth Date Tattoo. This represents the start of Angelist’s life.

Japanese kanji for self tattoo

Japanese Kanji for self. Angelist stated it was a representation of self, and that is what tattoos are.

Birth Time

Time tattoo. This is the time Angelist was born.

Do Not Forget Me

I will never forget my girlfriend vietnamese tattoo

Ygari Khong: This is the person’s name and a statement they will not forget their girlfriend. It’s written in Vietnamese. I was sitting next to Ygari in an airplane. They were flying to Vietnam to see their girlfriend for the first time in 17 years. Ygari got the tattoo to remember her.

Tribute to the Last American Bad Asses

Client Eastwood Tattoo

Clint Eastwood

John Wayne Tattoo John Wayne Tattoo

John Wayne.

Jamie Lee Curtis held a picture of John Wayne on Jay Leno Show. The topic was why do famous people get famous people tattooed on them. This was the tattoo.

Both tattoos are in memory for their grandfather. They watched Saturday Morning Westerns together. The tattoos are also a tribute to the last American Bad Asses.

Bloggers note: I was unable to get all of the tattoos this time. If I get any additional tattoos from this person it will be linked back to this post.