Monthly Archives: June 2018

Shinshoku Tattoos

water dragon tattoo water dragon tattoo

These are mirror image tattoos. The tattoos line up with the Oni Gate. They were assigned to Professor in 1985. In 1985, Professor moved to NC. Professor was always meeting with instructors that trained in the Kroi (Ancient Style). Professor was always asking questions about the Shinto.

Professor’s second dojo was for training in traditional koru dojo. When you do this you are given the title of Shinshoku.

On July 7, 1985, Professor had progressed to the point where the Hagakaru said, “you think like us.” Professor said, “the Haga gave me the ritual and made me a Shinto Shinshoku (a shrine care taker). This from a dojo aspect, not from a public aspect. I was given a few artifacts that made the dojo koru.”

They picked this symbol because it stands for water dragon in Chinese. “I was a water fighter — very fluid, but I fought like a dragon.” Professor is not sure on why, but thought it looked cool. It is Professor’s personal Kamon, which is very much like a signature.

Professor originally had it tattooed in white, but it looked like a scar. “I did this because you could not have a tattoo as a police officer. If you look at the right one, some of it is still white.”

Honor the Family

Teresa Tattoo

Teresa Tattoo. This is Sempie’s wife’s name. Sempie’s wife has their name on her.

Karate Kanji Tattoo

Karate Kanji Tattoo. This is the Japanese kanji for empty hand. This was Sempie’s first tattoo.

Hagakure Tattoo

Hagakure Tattoo. The meaning of this is “Hidden Behind the Leaves.” This symbol is connected to a very old Japanese sect. The last Khan took the teachings of the Hagakure and almost concurred Asia. Sempie just tells everybody its the Japaneses version of the Masons.

Badge Number tattoo

332 Tattoo. Badge number when Sampie was a Police Officer in Bristol, TN.

Kempo Tattoo

Kanji for Kempo Tattoo. Sampie trains in Kempo martial arts.

Harley Davidson Shield Tattoo

Harley Davidson Shield Tattoo. Just a love Harley Davidson Motorcycles.

Tamoui Tattoo

Tamoui Tattoo. Sampie used to call it the Japanese pin wheel. This is Sampie’s Mon for the shrine. The symbol is a personal Mon for the shrine. This is Sampie’s crest that they chose. Sampie wears this symbol in 3 places.

Torii Gate tattoo

Torii Gate tattoo. This is the for the Shinto part of Kempo. The torii gate also means member of the family.

Willie G Skull tattoo

Willie G Skull tattoo. Willie G Davidson’s was one of the grandsons of the original Harley Davidson’s. Willie G was the VP of marketing at Harley Davidson’s. They call this a Willie G Skull.


Uruz the Second Rune

Uruz is the second rune in the Elder Futhark. Uruz is phonetically, “U.” It comes from the Aurochs. Its direct meaning is “Wild Ox.” It’s in the first aett which is Freyja’s. Uruz is connected to Frejya. Many connect the meaning to strength, which then attempts to connection to Thor.  I have also seen where it is connected to Urd,the norn of the past. Its element is earth.

The Norwegian poem is:
Dross comes from bad iron;
the reindeer often races over the frozen snow.

It appears the word “dross” may mean water. This would connect this statement to rust. I would see the reindeer running as a primal force. This would connect this poem to undirected energy, may end with bad results.

Uruz is connected to Fehu. Fehu would be considered tamed cattle, Uruz is the wild oxen. Aswynn states Uruz is “the unconscious drive for manifestation.”

It is the rune of independence, and asserting oneself and one’s territory. Uruz is that internal force that decides to do something. It may be the energy without a plan, which may be its connection to Urd.

Some of the meaning for Uruz:
Wild unconstrained strength
Good Health
Strength you have or need
More Instinct then Mental
potential strength or danger
persistence, durability and adaptability
Passion for what you are doing
Health recovered.


6/26/2018: Update.
I need to add some addition connections I have made to the rune. This is the rune of just pure energy. Its the weed that grows in the concrete. It cracks through with the will to live. It is also the rune of the wheel, if you dont monitor it. It will break and keep pushing. It with without a path. I am kind of connecting it to the Terminator: It does not stop. It is through will alone you aid in directing its path.

If combined it is a powerful ally. If for instance you combine Fehu and Uruz. You get more directed plan. You will need to make sure to stop before it becomes to much.

That being said if you need to break through a wall. Get an Uruz. If you need to heal helps with that also. Just remember to stop a little before you are done so you dont fall off the edge.

A Tribute to Bowie and the Inner Demon

David Bowie Tattoo

David Bowie Tattoo. He was Baal’s favorite musician. When Baal was the weird person in high school, Bowie made them feel ok being different, and that being different was something to celebrate. David Bowie has always been Baal’s idol. When Bowie died, Baal decided to tribute their whole back to Bowie. The stars underneath the portrait is for Bowie’s last album, Blackstar. That album was intensely meaningful to Baal, because it is Bowie’s legacy. Baal said Bowie speaks about his death before it happened in this album. He passed 3 days after Blackstar was released. Baal stated, “It’s really powerful to me.”

Vinyl Records tattoo

Vinyl Records tattoo. This is what got Baal’s music taste going. Baal’s dad gave them his vinyl collection and now they collect vinyls. This is really important to Baal.

Venus and Taurus tattoo

Venus and Taurus tattoo that is Baal’s Zodiac sign. This was an impulsive tattoo.

GRL PWR tattoo

GRL PWR tattoo. The girl power tattoo was their first tattoo. Baal kinda always wanted to get this tattoo, because Baal was super-feminist. Baal says they still are but… in politics it has been misrepresented. There are so many branches now, and more fighting than anything with it. Ball stated, “I still love grls, equal rights, and all that.”

Mushroom tattoo

Mushroom tattoo is a matching tattoo with a girl that Baal did mushrooms with. A few days after eating mushrooms, they got the tattoos.  Baal says the tattoo is just cause they like mushrooms.

Polly Nor Inner Demon tattoo

Inner demon tattoo. This tattoo is Baal’s inner demon. The picture is by the artist Polly Nor. Polly draws women and their demons. Polly is a British artist and Baal loves her work. Baal got the inner demon tattoo to remind them of when they get in places that not the greatest. Baal used to smoke both things, and does not anymore.

Ziggy Stardust Lightning Bolt tattoo

Ziggy Stardust Lightning Bolt tattoo. Ziggy was one of the personas of David Bowie with glam rock, way back in the day.

Hammers not meant for a Boat

Gladiolus flower and ball peen hammer tattoo

Gladiolus flower and Ball-peen hammer tattoo. The gladiolus flower represents strength in adversity, overcoming obstacles, not succumbing to weakness, and having tenacity and endurance when you are faced with really difficult challenges. The Ball-peen hammer is used for welding and metalworking. It’s not meant for building houses or destroying things. The hammer is really for specific craftsmanship. It came from the idea they really like that iron forges iron to make something new, different, or stronger. It works itself. They like the idea of consistently becoming a new person, or strengthening yourself from your own inner strength through the difficult times you endured.


Man on a boat tattoo

Man on a boat tattoo. A little man on a sinking ship. The words “But oh! But oh! How very blue the sea is.” This is the last line from a poem from the book, Abarat, by Clive Barker. The complete poem is:

“Life is short
And pleasures few
And holed the ship
And drowned the crew
But o! But o!
How very blue
the sea is.”

When everything is absolutely fucked, there is are still things. Don’t make your situation of suffering mean that you have to suffer through it. There is always some sort of beauty around you even in the worst possible circumstances. The man in the boat is about to drown but he is still looking at the sunset. It’s a poem that does not connect to the rest of the book at all. It’s just sort of an illustration and it’s whimsical.


The Moon Starts a Metamorphosis

gladiolus flower tattoo

Gladiolus Flower tattoo. One of Psyche’s favorite flowers because it symbolizes being strong in adversity.

metamorphosis tattoo

Metamorphosis tattoo. This tattoo is connected to the metamorphosis. On the left the chrysalis is growing and becoming a butterfly. It is the story of transformation. The branch is a Dogwood tree. Psyche feels like they went through all of these stages in North Carolina. The Dogwood is state tree of North Carolina.

Pelvis tattoo with rose in it

Pelvis tattoo with rose in it. Reminder that their strength is in their pelvis. It is also a symbol of being a survivor of abuse.

A woman with a wolf over her head tattoo

A woman with a wolf over her head tattoo.  Psyche’s favorite metaphor of the wild woman. The tattoo is based off a book by Clarissa Pinkola Estés called Women Who Run with the Wolves. This is Psyche’s go-to book for spiritual road map.

butterfly tattoo

Butterfly tattoo. Psyche got this tattoo the day after getting divorced.  It is their divorce tattoo, because Psyche thinks of themselves as the butterfly.

Moon tattoo

Moon tattoo. First tattoo Psyche ever got. Boyfriend got it for Psyche, then Psyche dumped him. Psyche kept getting tattoos after this. Physic feels connected to moon, and paints the moon in their artwork.