Monthly Archives: August 2016

radical self reliance


Just a rant on “radical self reliance”. I went to a burn and overheard some burners saying “That guy asked for water, like it was his first burn”. I thought wow you did not give him water. I then saw all these signs saying practice  “radical self reliance”. What does that mean:

Radical: very different from the usual or traditional : extreme

Self-Reliance:reliance on one’s own efforts and abilities

Humm… So I need water. I ran out of water. You have water. Radical Self-Reliance. I have a been training in Martial Arts a good deal of my life. You are on drugs. I ask for water, you do not assist. I need to drink water to live. You are sleeping in a tent in the woods. I am not your friend. You have multiple people in your tent, I know how to start a fire. I will practice radical self-reliance and stay alive. Your water will become my water. This is why I dont go to burns anymore. You want radical self-reliance that is what I just said it was.

I did not see it as a peaceful happy hippie place. What I saw was a bunch of hipsters getting together to show off. It appeared to be very clickly.

So burners remove that term “radical self-reliance”, or someone might take it seriously. The meaning could also be “I do what I want when I want”. Which goes down a really fun path with a bunch of drugged out hipsters. I am not your friend.