Monthly Archives: January 2021

The Toy Is a Story

Hello, readers! I’m sadly still not getting any new tattoo stories. I cannot wait until most people have vaccines, and I can get within six feet of them again. I am eager to get photos of their tattoos and their stories!

In the meantime, I’m coming up with a few other things to blog about. For instance, I was thinking about a movie I saw when I was really young, called “The Toy.”

It starred Richard Pryor and Jackie Gleason. Both are superstars who have since passed. Additionally, Scott Schwartz starred in that movie as a kid named “Eric.” The Toy was Scott’s first movie. His next movie was “A Christmas Story.” He was the kid who stuck his tongue to the pole. That detail ties into where I am going next with this post.

The Toy is a PG-rated movie that I saw as a kid. As a child, I didn’t notice how perverted the movie was! I surely didn’t get all the jokes. Furthermore, this movie is politically offensive to my 2020 brain, and it definitely would be a lot different if it were released now.

They have a running joke throughout the movie about Jackie’s character, “US Bates.” They keep pronouncing it, “U Ass Bates.” The wife’s name is Fancy Bates. Scott’s character is “Eric Bates.” Can you guess where I’m going with this? They are super-rich, so they actually address him as “Master Bates!” There is a spectacularly odd scene where Master Bates asks Jack Brown (played by Richard Pryor) for sex advice. The character is nine years old, ew! There is also a fully nude picture of Fancy Bates. If this movie could be made now, it would not be PG. It was super-suggestive, it does not hold up, and it’s bizarre to watch. If you plan on seeing this movie, maybe get some CBD and some booze, and plan to go along for a bizarre ride.

As a child, I thought this was a fun movie about a kid with lots of toys and lots of money. As an adult, I find it neat that such a childish movie had two extremely well-known actors.

While I was watching the movie, I started to wonder what had happened to Scott Schwartz. I looked him up on IMBD and discovered he was involved in… let’s say xxx movies! “The Wrong Snatch,” “New Wave Hookers 5”, and “The Devil in Miss Jones 6” were some of the titles. I found it hilarious. I think back, and “The Christmas Story” also had many dirty side notes, just like The Toy.

I am now putting “A Wrestling Christmas Miracle” on my must-watch movie list. It is the latest movie Scott starred in. The Word is, he is trying to get out of porn. [side note: I started watching the movie. It was terrible. I couldn’t finish it.]

I have some more blog posts coming out soon, including ones about thrifty apps I am using. However, I can’t wait to get back to my tattoo stories because I prefer talking to people and blogging about them rather than just ranting about what’s in my head.

Be Well.