Monthly Archives: March 2023

Kinder Surprise in the Bermuda Triangle

I went to Bermuda Triangle. Everything there is super expensive. This candy was over 5 Dollars. Which is 5 times what it would cost in the US, except. You can not buy this candy in the US. This is illegal candy to sell. The law has something to do with things people can choke on. I had to buy it. Above is what it looked like when I bought it.

I took it apart not nearly as cute.
Ate some of it. Cholate was good. Nothing special.

Took apart the plastic stuff to see what was inside.

This is what they look like all put together. Ducky now lives in a plant, and will have a nice life.

If it was under 3 dollars I may buy again, just for the excitement of what toy I would get.

Recording A Warrior

This was my first tattoo. It means courage. Below it says, “Fall seven times and get back up eight.” The meaning is never to give up and always dare to stand up for what is right.

I got the record symbol because my new passion is filming. Recording is my primary way of life, so I got the record button. It means always going out and doing something, even if it does not turn out the way you want.

Way of the Warrior. Japanese kanji. This means you go through life trying to make a way for yourself, even if there are hard times. You always have to overcome obstacles and move forward even if it’s hard for you.

1998 was the year my cousin was born. He died recently. I got this to connect and always remember.

LARPing with Totoro

Totoro with the leaf on the hat is a character from “My Neighbor Totoro.” It is a Studio Ghibli tattoo. It means a lot to me. This was the first animated movie I watched with my family.

This is a blooming thistle sitting on top of a Celtic Knot. It represents both my Celtic and Irish ancestry. I also have a LARP character whose name is Thistle. The Celtic Knot is her guild’s emblem. I have my first LARP OC character with me.