Monthly Archives: November 2017

Greater Than Flowers

God is greather then above and below tattoo. G>^

The bearer of this tattoo, Odorato, lost more than 200 pounds. Odorato is not very spiritual, but there is something greater than the highest and lowest weight in this world. This tattoo indicates that God is greater than the ups and downs in life.

Purple Violet Tattoo

Odorato’s grandmother’s name was Violet. “She was the best grandmother there was.” The fact that this name is also a living organism makes it very meaningful. Violet loved flowers, and always cared for plants, so the name Violet fit her well.


A bit of Scotch-Irish in Life

Celtic Knot tattoo

This is a tattoo of Celtic knots. The bearer of this artwork, Coigreach, used to believe they had Scotch-Irish ancestry. This symbol was on the back of Coigreach’s wedding program. Coigreach has now come to find out they are only 6% Scotch-Irish, and also 9% Slovak, 19% Italian, and 66% Scandinavian. Coigreach next is planning to get a Scandinavian tattoo.

Tree of Life tattoo

This is a “Tree Of Life” tattoo. Coigreach was a science teacher, and strongly believes in science, but also feels they are a part of nature. This all goes into Coigreach‘s philosophy of things that go beyond. Coigreach is not interested in “God,” but more interested in how we create our environment, and how we work with the environment to make ourselves better.

Imagine Argentina

John Lennon Tattoo/ picasso peace dove

This tattoo represents both John Lennon and the Picasso Peace Dove. The bearer of this art, Tranqui, got the tattoo after graduating from a master’s program. Tranqui was working full time and had a dark cloud in their personal life. Once Tranqui finally graduated, this symbol represented that you can imagine, and do what ever you want to do, if you try hard enough. Tranqui tried hard enough, and achieved their goals.

This is an Argentinian design from the Pampas tribes. The bottom line is earth, and up above, mountains and valleys. The top line is heaven or the sky. This artwork symbolizes one’s journey through life. It represents a deep connection to roots in Argentina.