This tattoo means “Mi Vida Loca,” which is Spanish for, “My Crazy Life.” Permutation got it for their girlfriend. There is a movie called “Mi Vida Loca,” where everybody had the three dots tattoo. Permutation thinks Ice Cube has this tattoo. Permutation said their life is crazy.

This tattoo is a spooky lady that looks like Elvira. Permutation has always had a thing for eyeballs, and has multiple tattoos with eyeballs. Permutation cuts the tattoo artist’s son’s hair. Permutation told her, “I have the perfect idea for a tattoo. I want a spooky lady with big jugs and one eye.” She even put a little spider on the shoulder. The lady named the spider, “Big Booty Judy.”

Blank Blackout Vacant Tattoo. This is the name of an album by a band called, “Poison Idea.” It’s Permutation’s favorite album by them. Permutation got it at a time where they felt those things. Permutation had just split up with a girlfriend who moved back to San Diego. Permutation got this tattoo at the same time as getting the Butthead tattoo.

Butthead GWAR tattoo. Permutation got the Butthead tattoo because they thought that it would look funny. Typically in the old cartoons, Butthead has an AC/DC shirt on. In this one, Butthead is wearing a GWAR shirt. Coincidentally it was about the same time that the lead singer of GWAR passed away.

Seven Layer Burrito from Taco Bell Tattoo. Just because Permutation likes seven layer burritos from Taco Bell.

Burger Tattoo. This is a Friday the thirteenth tattoo because there are thirteen seeds on it. This is Permutation’s second food tattoo.

Pizza with Eye and Two Hockey Sticks Tattoo. This was Permutation’s first food tattoo. Permutation’s dad used to take them to a lot of Hockey games when they were a kid. They used to always stop at Papa Gino’s before each game. The eyeball is supposed to be the All Seeing Slice, similar to the All Seeing Eye from the Illuminati.

#Bomb Tattoo. This is a cover up tattoo. It was going to be Black Flag bars. The band’s logo is 4 black rectangles. The girl that was doing it did one rectangle. Permutation had to bring her home because her parents were going to get pissed. Permutation had a weird rectangle on their wrist for a few months, and then got the bomb to cover it up.

RAD! Tattoo. This was their second “stick and poke” tattoo. Permutation’s friend wanted to do a stick and poke on someone. Permutation said, “if you give me a stick and poke you have to buy me a 40 ounce beer.” He bought Permutation the 40-ounce beer and gave them the tattoo. He asked “what do you want tattooed?” Permutation wanted something simple that couldn’t get messed up. Permutation said just do “RAD,” cause it’s not gonna look too rad.

D.I. Tattoo. This was Permutation first tattoo. Permutation has always been into music. The original design was white, but D.I. had an album called “Tragedy Again” where the dog was blue. Permutation wanted to get it blue. Permutation thought it would look cool as a tattoo. It is one of their favorite bands. Permutation got it at age 18.

Black Panther Tattoo. The was another cover up tattoo. Permutation had a tattoo of a “P and D,” which is the symbol for an old skateboarding crew called Piss Drunx. It looked terrible. Permutation got the panther to cover it up because it was heavy, black, and Permutation likes panthers.

Drunk Clown Tattoo. The clown was a Halloween tattoo from the same artist who did the burrito and pizza slice. The artist drew up a whole sheet of tattoo flash. Permutation wanted an obnoxious tattoo that no one else would get. The artist said, “let’s do this drunk clown tattoo!”

Girl smoking a cigarette and drinking a cocktail tattoo. It’s based on the punk band, Social Distortion. Their logo is a skeleton wearing a fedora, smoking a cigarette, with a martini. Permutation wanted to translate that into a tattoo. The artist drew this up. Permutation liked it and went with it. This was the quickest tattoo Permutation ever got: it only took 45 minutes.

Big-Boys tattoo. Permutation had a tattoo gun for a short while. That was the only tattoo Permutation did while they had it. Big-Boys is a punk band from Texas. Right under the Big-Boys is a skate board. That was the only thing Permutation could think of that would fit there.

Felix tattoo. Son’s name and date of birth, 04.02.13. Permutation’s most meaningful tattoo.

Smile Tattoo. This was Permutation’s first stick and poke tattoo (but second actual tattoo). One of their old friends did it. Permutation was messed up and wanted a tattoo. She asked what Permutation wanted. Permutation said, “I wanted a dead smiley face.”

Eye of Horus tattoo. Started out as stick and poke. It was just a triangle. Permutation did the triangle. Permutation’s friend went in and fixed it up, while working on another filler tattoo. This was the only thing that would translate well.

Cross Tattoo. Upside down because Permutation is kind of unsure about their faith.

Powell Ripper Skull tattoo. Permutation paid their buddy $20 and a Monster drink to do it. He did it in Permutation’s living room. He didn’t put the hands on it ripping out of anything. So it just this weird green skull. Permutation wanted to get the ripper skull because they really like skateboarding.

Dead Fish Tattoo. Permutation’s best friend did this stick and poke. It was the longest Permutation ever sat for a tattoo. Best friend and Permutation met when they were 13. Permutation had always wanted a tattoo from him. He would say, “No I am not going to do that you shouldn’t trust me with that.” One day when they were 22, Permutation finally convinced him.

Bones Brigade Rat Skull tattoo. It has a 13 for the ears because it’s a “Friday the Thirteenth” tattoo. Bones Brigade was an early skate crew that had people like Tony Hawk and Steve Caballero in it. Permutation thought, “I can get this tattoo for $31.”

HOLA Nacho tattoo. The Hola was a stick and poke. Permutation didn’t really know what they were doing so they did a heart. Permutation was drunk so did the H,L and A. The same guy that did the green skull asked if Permutation had any tattoos they wanted fixed. Permutation was like, “Yeah, I got this crappy tattoo.” He went over the letters. Then he started doing something above it. He tattooed a nacho wearing a sombrero. It was just a surprise tattoo, with the spectacular food theme that Pemutation loves.
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