Veve of Papa Legba tattoo: This is Ironclown‘s first tattoo. This veve is from the Vudon tradition. The veve is for the loha of Papa Legba which is a crossroads deity. Legba showed up in Ironclown’s dreams when they were young, before they even knew what Vodon was or who Legba was. Ironclown eventually started picking the meaning up later in their research and different pagan traditions. It is their patron deity that Ironclown works with to this day.
Most of the tattoos Ironclown has are either protective or good-luck-based. Before Ironclown got into any of the pagan traditions that they work with now, Ironclown was Catholic. Ironclown was terrified of ghosts, spirits, and anything else which was reinforced by the church to be afraid of. The first thing Ironclown wanted to do was protect themselves from ghosts, and various things.

Kabbalah Medallion tattoos: These two tattoos are from a medallion. Specifically a gold medallion which Ironclown cannot afford. The symbols are high magic from the Kabbalah. Everything in Hebrew are names of gods: Tetragrammaton, Adonaï, or Elohim. All of the names can be worked with in pieces. The medallion is meant to work by protecting from various evils, banes, and mischief. When looking at the square tattoo in any direction all the way across, it is a different name for Yahweh. Ironclown thinks there are over 99 names for Yahweh in the Kabbalah.
The tattoo on the left, below the medallion, are geomantic symbols for the planet Venus. Venus is Ironclown’s ruling sign. Ironclown is a Libra. The symbol is a draw for magic work.

Abracadabra tattoo: Abracadabra is not protective, it more to get rid of an immediate problems. Abra means Holy. Cad is one of the names of god. Abracadabra translates to holy god holy. What to do is if you have a hangover, or can’t find your keys, focus on that problem and say Abracadabra, then keep subtracting the last letter until there are no more letters left and the problem should be gone.

Solve Coagula tattoo: Solve Coagula is what can be found on most pictures of Baphomet. It is Latin. It translates roughly to take apart and put back together, again.

Protective Tattoo. Most of these symbols are protective in nature:
The Seal of Solomon is protective in nature.
The Triskele solar crosses are protective in various cultures.
The Ankh is not protective. It is a symbol of long life or eternal life.
The smaller signs that are close to the center are Vodon power signs. That are meant for energizing other symbols, and would be used as a focus.
The Pentagram is surrounded by Hebrew letters at each point for the elements of: air fire water earth, and spirit.

Magic Square tattoo: A lot of these tattoos deal with planetary symbols. All of the numbers add up to Ironclown’s birthday. The numbers all add up to the same number around each side. To make one the person will need to really like themselves enough. The box accentuates everything about the person. This includes the stuff they don’t like. If person can handle a lot of themselves it will work out. A recommended book on this theme is called “The Magus.”

Algiz Rune: This rune is for protection.

Latin Pentagram tattoo: This symbol is usually put into a ring. This tattoo is also protective, but this is more for biological protection. Energize this symbol to help.

Bo Sho tattoo: The entire block is called a “Bo Sho.” Bo is one hundred and Sho is the word for long life. When China was just warring territories, the quickest way to show power was to change the way the language looked, but not the way it sounded. With that Sho can be written over a hundred different ways. This is a good luck charm that could be carved it on things and given as a gift for 100 long lives.

Tibetan Buddhist Mudra tattoo: This is Tibetan Buddhist mudra for “give me refuge.” Most mudras are a focus points when meditating. The one for protection is an open palm.

Reiki Symbol tattoo: In energy work, this symbol means god is here. It could be used a way to energize something.

Comanche tattoo: Ironclown is part Comanche on their fathers side, and they wanted something to represent that part of their life.

Magic Eye tattoo: Ironclown thinks eyes are excellent magical tools. This one Ironclown uses as a focus to do physic work or tarot readings.
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