Butterfly and rose tattoo: This was for Chrysalis’s dad who gave them their name. Chrysalis wanted to remember him with a tattoo.

Medical Symbol tattoo: This tattoo is when Chrysalis went into medical school for nursing. Nursing is Chrysalis’s life, this is their calling & who they will be for life. This is not something Chrysalis chose. It was what Chrysalis was forced into. Chrysalis feels so blessed and happy that this is what they do for a living. Chrysalis was forced into nursing because their aunt and grandmother became extremely ill. Chrysalis had to take care of of both of them. These people ended up dying. Both of them made Chrysalis promise Chrysalis would go into nursing. Chrysalis did and is now in pre-nursing school. Once Chrysalis has completed pre-nursing school, they will push as hard as they can and go into nursing school. Chrysalis will then become the best nurse ever.

Rose with butterfly coming out of it tattoo: This is one of Chrysalis’s favorite tattoos. Chrysalis’s butterfly obsession began at 9 years old. Chrysalis’s father died. Chrysalis was told butterflies were reincarnated souls. Chrysalis’s teenage years were a really hard time in their life. Chrysalis’s mom used to tell Chrysalis they were just in their cocoon stage, developing into a beautiful butterfly. After huge struggles Chrysalis got this tattoo to represent their butterfly coming out of its cocoon to represent a whole new Chrysalis.

Hurting butterfly tattoo: This is butterfly is to represent all of the hurt and pain Chrysalis has gone through in their life. No matter how successful Chrysalis gets, they have to remember all the pain and suffering they went through to get there.

Traveling butterfly tattoo: This is Chrysalis’s traveling butterfly tattoo. It is to remind Chrysalis that they always need to be traveling and going somewhere.

Girl Scouts butterfly tattoo: The G and S stand for Girl Scouts. Chrysalis is forever a member of the Girl Scouts. It’s to remind Chrysalis of where they came from. Chrysalis was at Girl Scout camp when their father died.

Butterfly fleur de lis tattoo: Chrysalis got this shortly this tattoo shortly after Hurricane Katrina. It is to remind Chrysalis they can rebuild anything. Chrysalis got this one after their body had to be rebuilt. Chrysalis is most likely going to keep this tattoo. Chrysalis had thought about having this tattoo covered up or removed. With everything that happened with Katrina and everything their body went through having to be reformed, Chrysalis has decided to keep it as a reminder of being reformed.

Watercolor Butterfly tattoo: Chrysalis wanted to remind themselves of the watercolors and the art of Monet.

Butterfly tattoo: This was an easy show off to be skinny tattoo. Chrysalis used to be 300 lbs and showing off their stomach was not something they could do. Chrysalis can now easily show off their stomach without any reservation.

Butterfly next to ear tattoo: This tattoo has a lot of meaning for Chrysalis. This is Chrysalis’s dad whispering into their ear. The tattoo is him is giving Chrysalis all of the great advice that he would have if he had been alive throughout the years.

Hope butterfly tattoo: This is Chrysalis’s hope tattoo. It’s their tattoo to remind themselves to always have hope no matter what goes on in life. To be there in the present moment. To have hope things will get better.

Heart tattoo: This is Chrysalis drunk tattoo. Chrysalis got really drunk one night. A guy said he would give Chrysalis a tattoo for their number. Chrysalis gave him a fake number, he game Chrysalis a real tattoo.

Friendship butterfly tattoo: This tattoo is about Chrysalis’s friends. It represents that they are always changing. The 3 hearts represents the past the present and the future. It is also a reminder that friendships should sometimes be let go and there is nothing wrong with that, but then also that friendship needs to be looked at, admired, and kept safe.
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