The Airborne Toxic Event tattoo: This is the album art from their favorite band, The Airborne Toxic Event‘s, first album. They are very connected to trees, and they studied psychology. To them, tree branches kind of look like synapses in the brain.

Lotus flower tattoo: They liked this image. After going through a tough time, this was their way of celebrating coming out of it.

The monkeys do not break me tattoo: This is a bad Google translation from Swahili. They were working at a lab that was doing work in Africa, trying to help impoverished people get health insurance. It was a dumb project, though the idea behind it was nice. Their boss thought it would be a good idea for the donors to text the recipients. They had some native Swahili speakers, and they put in some text Swahili. The Swahili was not translated correctly; this was the translated version. They took this saying on as a team mantra. The monkeys are life comes at you, and the garbage (the monkeys) won’t break you.

Lilac flower: They are from Rochester New York, famous for the lilac festival. All their friends got a lilac tattoo, though not the same one.

Shape of Water tattoo: They just call him the fishman, as he did not have a name in the movie, The Shape of Water. There was a connection to this movie. They saw The Shape of Water about four times in the theater. They liked the theme of loving people who are different from you.
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