This is a chaos symbol. Around the chaos symbol, I put fire, water, and waves. I am a musician, and this is the hand I hold the microphone in. This is me controlling the chaos. Two elements of chaos surround chaos. I thought this was a cool concept and aligned with the type of music I play.

One rule for one way of life: Only the strong survive. This is a lyric from a band called Chimaira. The song is written about the band itself and being a musician. Only the strongest bands survive.

Your memory is the fight in my veins. These are the dates for my guitar player who passed away. My band (As Ocean) released our first album, and he passed away two weeks after. I decided to put a memorial. Instead of his death date, I put the album release date. It was a symbol of a new beginning of what he was becoming.

Three years ago, I met my biological family. There are ten of us. I was the 8th one. When I met them, we all got matching tattoos.

This is Polynesian art. I am part-Hawaiian. I wanted to get some art to echo back to that heritage. Each band represents something. The arrowheads mean protection, the water means life and flow, and the shark teeth symbolize protection. The shapes are for fertility.

Whale in Native American art style. Killer whales have always been my favorite animal. They represent the same things as wolves but in the water. Hawaiian heritage was where I got that. I also wanted it on my chest over my heart.

The claw marks are a symbol of toughness and protection. I thought it was a cool thing to tie it all together.
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