Superstitious not Meek

Parrot Tattoo

Parrot tattoo. Petcha’s father had a parrot on him as well. At the bottom of dad’s parrot was his initials. Petcha got this tattoo before their father died. Smith was Petcha’s name before getting married.

Coy Fish with Father Kangi Tattoo

Koi fish with father kanji tattoo. This was for Petcha’s grandfather — he liked fishing. When their grandfather died. Petcha got this tattoo. Below the fish is the kanji for father.

Lace Tattoo

Lace tattoo. When this tattoo is complete, it will look as if lace is covering Petcha’s entire leg.  There is also a cat in the lace if you look closely.

Superstitious Kanji Tattoo

Superstitious kanji tattoo. This tattoo was supposed to be the kanji for superstitious. Petcha had someone tell them in Chinese it means meek.  Petcha believes this is their first tattoo.

** Joejoe’s Note: I looked it up. I am not sure. It could be connected to the kanji for superstitious. When I learn more Chinese I may update this to confirm.

Bumble Bee Tattoo

Bumblebee tattoo. Petcha called their oldest son, “bumblebee.”

Blue Flower Stem Tattoo

Blue flower stem tattoo. Petcha’s husband drew it. Petcha liked it and got the tattoo.

Green Flower Tattoo

Green flower tattoo. Petcha’s husband also drew this one and Petcha got it.

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