The Owls Watch and the Bat Flies

Owl Tattoo

Owl tattoo. Chapin’s first tattoo. Chapin wanted a tattoo at age 18. Chapin’s mom said that if they were going to get a tattoo, Chapin should make sure they don’t react poorly to the ink, as they have super sensitive skin. Chapin also need something that could be easily hidden for work. At the time, Chapin was working corporate jobs, “no tattoos, no dyed hair, no originality, whatsoever.” This tattoo could easily be hidden with hair. It’s an owl in the shape of a heart. Chapin got this particular tattoo, “because I am unoriginal. I found it online and thought it was cute.”

Clock Owl Tattoo

Clock Owl tattoo. Chapin drew this tattoo for their nanna. Chapin’s nanna had a bunch of owl statues all over her house, and was obsessed with owls. Chapin’s nanna died at 7:20 which is why the clock is at 7:20. Chapin is not super happy with the tattoo, and plans on having it covered up and then redone on the other side of their arm. Chapin’s mom also has this tattoo.

Semicolon Tattoo

Semicolon tattoo. This tattoo is for Chapin’s metal health. The semicolon is what a writer will use to pause a sentence when they could have used a period to end it. The semicolon symbolizing keeping going when you could stop.

Scythe Tattoo

Scythe tattoo. This is a Friday the 13th tattoo. Chapin’s dad has the grim reaper on his arm. That is why Chapin got the scythe — to connect to their dad.

Planchet Tattoo

Planchet tattoo. Just a Friday the 13th tattoo. Simple flash art they had at the tattoo shop.

Portal Tattoo

Portal tattoo. This is from the video game, Portal. Chapin and their ex were obsessed with this game. Chapin’s ex got the matching orange Portal. Chapin’s brother is going to get the orange Portal when he is old enough. This is so Chapin can connect it with brother’s tattoo and not the ex.

Script Tattoo

Script tattoo. This tattoo says, “I love you more than I did yesterday and less then I will tomorrow.” Chapin got that with their ex-fiance. Chapin stated, “Don’t get matching tattoos.” They wanted to get matching tattoos and just looked up quotes about love for this tattoo.

Bat Script Tattoo

Bat Script tattoo. Bat tattoo on head with purple and green smoke. The banner behind it says, ” I am my own.” Chapin had a Mohawk last year and was getting tired of it. Chapin just wanted a full head of hair again. They decided to shave the Mohawk off and start anew. They did not want to deal with the growing out process with their hair. Chapin got told, “don’t shave your head or you wont be pretty anymore.” One person said, “Don’t shave your head I wont want to f*ck you anymore” in front of their fiancé. Chapin was having a pretty shitty night. In a fit, Chapin shaved their head. Chapin stated, “You won’t tell me I’m not beautiful.” That is why the banner says, “I am my own.” Chapin stated, “Only I can decide how I feel about myself. I cannot let other people decide how I feel about myself.” Chapin got the bat because they are obsessed with bats. The bat has the purple and green smoke behind it. Chapin’s fiancé and best friend have a production company together called “Love Skull,” and the theme colors are black, purple and green, so that influenced the colors in this tattoo.

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