Elephant Finds a Way

Mom RIP Tattoo

Mom RIP tattoo: Palaeoloxodon’s mom passed away when they were 19. This was their second tattoo (was not able to get a picture of first tattoo). Palaeoloxodon got this tattoo six months after mom died. Palaeoloxodon would like to get the tattoo redone. It was traumatic for Palaeoloxodon when she died.

Elephant and Calve Tattoo Elephant and Calve Tattoo

Elephant and calf Tattoo:  This tattoo is also connected to Palaeoloxodon’s mother as she loved elephants. When Palaeoloxodon’s daughter was born, Palaeoloxodon wanted to get an elephant and calf to pay homage to mom. It is a picture of Palaeoloxodon and their daughter in elephant form.

Lotus Flower Tattoo Lotus Flower Tattoo

Lotus Flower Tattoo: After Palaeoloxodon’s mother died they became heavily addicted to alcohol and drugs. Palaeoloxodon suffered with significant battle with alcoholism, until age 27 when they got sober. The flowers are lotuses. The flowers represent Palaeoloxodon growing out of the mud. The flowers are indicative that beautiful things can grow out of dark muddy times.

Friendship Kangi

Friendship Kanji. Palaeoloxodon got this tattoo with a girlfriend. The tattoo is supposed to mean friendship. Palaeoloxodon is not very close with this friend anymore. Palaeoloxodon looks at the tattoo as  part of a story, but not much else.

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