Kenaz – The Sixth Rune

Kenaz is the 6th rune. Kenaz is phonetically ‘K.” Its rune name may come from the old Germanic word “kien”, which means pine or fir tree. Since it means torch, the element for this rune is fire. Kenaz is the in Freya’s Aett which is the first Aett. It is often connected to the god Heimdall. I think the connection to Heimdall may come from the story that Heimdall brought the runes to man.

Kenaz is most often connected to mean torch. However it may also mean creativity, or revelation. The kenaz rune may also be the symbol for physical or spiritual enlightenment. This coming to know or understand. As the torch to guide you in the darkness.

Old Norwegian
Ulcer is fatal to children;
death makes a corpse pale.

Old Icelandic:
Disease fatal to children
and painful spot
and abode of mortification.

The torch is known to every living man
by its pale, bright flame; it always burns
where princes sit within.

In a reading it means:
contained fire
that “aha” moment
the thing that allows you to see
the coming to know
Fire can cook meat, and burn your house down

Face down:
You don’t know
You are asking the wrong question
What you can not see yet
You already know the answer
You do not have the knowledge to get there.

#12/3/2018 Update:
After a month of Kenaz: Kenaz shows you what is there. You may or may not want to see it. It will show you.
I also now better understanding of these poems. They are talking about seeing things they may not have wanted to see.
A true path is not always pretty until you get to the end. Kenaz keeps your view real, and not the dream. Once this is understood, you understand how to make the path clear in advance.

Additional Note: This is connected to Heimdall because of what you see.

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