Pagan and Heathen Podcasts

During a moot I attended, It was noted there were not many Pagan and/or Heathen Podcasts. I started naming a couple I enjoy. I was asked to list them out, so here goes:

Heathen Podcasts
The Asatru Community Podcast. This is a female couple where one is a Heathen, and the other is a Druid. I enjoy this as they keep things a little light. Good information, however sometime they can get chatty.

Gifts of the Wyrd. This is a male couple. They do some interviews. It’s worth checking out if you are looking for heathen podcasts.

Northern Myths: I have not listened to this one as much, as they are REALLY LONG. I did enjoy them, I just don’t have the time, and there are other things I want to listen to. I did enjoy the couple I have been able to sit through.

What in the Wyrd: This is a Heathen/Animist. It is short which I really like. It’s a biweekly view of the runes how they effect the current month. The podcaster is located somewhere in NC.

Pagan Podcasts
Pagan Gumbo: It’s ok. Worth checking out.

Down at the Crossroads: This one is long. I will normally stop enjoying the podcast somewhere in their interview. However, I truly enjoy the music they add in between the interviews. I will often just skip to the music.

Honorable mention
Myths and Legends Podcast.
I enjoy the stories. He does some heathen stories, and stories from all around the world. You may not enjoy his take on the story, but then you can delete it. Take it as you will.

Let me know what you think, or if you know of any I should check out.

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