Strength and the Green Lantern Core

Chinese Hanzi for strength tattoo

Chinese Hanzi for strength tattoo: In my family they are the glue that keeps their family together.

Green Lantern tattoo Green Lantern tattoo Green Lantern tattoo Green Lantern tattoo Green Lantern tattoo

Green Lantern tattoo:  They got this tattoo because they have always had a love for the Green Lantern Core and what the Core stand for. The Green Lantern Core are the police of the universe. They have always thought of themselves as an upstanding citizen. They did 10 years in the military which helps with this thought.

Crescent Moon and Dark Star tattoo

Crescent Moon and Dark Star tattoo: They are a Pagan. This is their connection to the metaphysical. They want to get the same design on their other side, where the moon would be darkened and the star is not filled in. The new tattoo would be for balance to this tattoo.

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