Get Paid To Search the Web!

I don’t get a referral bonus if you search with Bing. Bing used to have a referral link, but they canceled it. I almost called this post, “get paid to not use Google,” but I decided against it.

Bing is not better than Google for searching. If you want to search who is in a movie, Bing works. If you need an address or a restaurant menu, then Bing is ok. If you are looking for how to do something, maybe go back to Google.

Google used to be great, but it has gone downhill. The search results are more controlled and limited. I often can’t find what I am looking for on Google anymore. DuckDuckGo is not great either. I miss the old Google.

I have Bing set up on my Android following these directions. You get 5 points on each search, and when you get to 5250 points, you get a $5 Amazon gift card. You can get anywhere from 30 to 50 points a day going to your dashboard. You get a bonus if you complete your dashboard for enough days in a row. You can get up to 150 points a day searching from your desktop, and 100 points a day from your phone. You can get points a couple other ways as well. If you just do the dashboard, phone, and desktop, you can get $5 from Amazon every 17 days.

I can do enough searches to get the points in less than 10 minutes a day.

Let me know how this works out for you. If you cant stand using Bing, I understand.  It took me some time to get used to it. For me, it’s fun to get paid for doing things I’d do anyways.

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