An American Bar Tender

Marine Corp Emblem Tattoo

Marine Corp Emblem Tattoo. Dalmore was in the Marine core for 9 years. This was the first tattoo Dalmore got. Dalmore got this right after they graduated from basic school. Dalmore received their commission as a lieutenant. It takes six month training to become an officer. Then they go to MLS school. Once Dalmore graduated that they felt like they were a marine. Dalmore then got this tattoo.

Spartan Shield Tattoo

Spartan Shield Tattoo: This is an old Spartan saying when Spartans go into battle it is either come home with your shield or come home on it. It is saying you fought bravely and you survived, or you died in battle bravely and are coming home on your shield. Dalmore got that before their first deployment to Iraq.

Robot Mechanic Tattoo

Robot Mechanic Tattoo:  Old 1950 style robot Mars attacks kind of thing. Dalmore got that because they really dig robots. It was a phase when Dalmore was in Quanitco as an instructor. The military wanted you to be this poster child marine core officer for the lieutenants. Dalmore thought that was silly we should be personalities. Leaders are not just what you tell them to be. Good leaders are pulling from personal experiences, who they are. The robot is “here we are programming you on how to be”. Dalmore’s robot arm is bent back with a wrench like he is about to smash something. The robot is going against programming. There is a stick of dynamite on his head, cause he is about to blow up. This is a throw back to Dalmore’s MLS. Dalmore was a combat engineer, and used to blow a lot of stuff up. Dalmore chose to be like themselves and it worked out really well.

Girl with Motorcycle Tattoo Girl with Motorcycle Tattoo

Girl with Motorcycle Tattoo: Dalmore is a huge fan of old school pin up art. This is like Dalmore’s all American tattoo. Dalmore rides motorcycles a lot. Dalmore and a buddy before Dalmore open this bar. They took a trip from coast to coast. Jumped in the water down in Wilmington beach, road out motorcycles all the way across the country and jumped in the water in San A Monica California. The tattoo is a throw back to freedom. Being who you are riding motorcycles, going were you want to go, and the all American girl.

Traveling Man Tattoo

Traveling Man Tattoo: This one has a a lot of personal stuff in it. It represent the wander lust. Go out get lost. Dalmore got this tattoo on a motorcycle trip New Orleans. There is Port of Point Lisas in the compass. Dalmore and a buddy went out and got tattoos after this road trip. The tattoo means get out, free your mind, and experience life. The compass is a broken compass.

Dice Girl Tattoo Dice Girl Tattoo

Dice Girl Tattoo: This is another retro tattoo. Dalmore is big gambler, loves going to Vegas. and craps is their game. The dice are in there for craps. The tattoo is also don’t just do what people tell you and take chances. The lady is Lady Luck, she is rolling the dice, and we are trying to make it through this crazy world.

Revival 1869 Bottle Tattoo Revival 1869 Bottle Tattoo Revival 1869 Bottle Tattoo

Revival 1869 Bottle Tattoo: This is Dalmore’s latest tattoo. The idea was once they made it a year they knew they made it. They wanted to get something to commemorate having Revival 1869 open for a year. Dalmore’s thing is the whiskey, my partner is more of the cocktails. They both do whiskey and cocktails, but that kind of is were the split happens. Because Dalmore is more whiskey. Dalmore got a whiskey bottle. Dalmore got a girl inside of the bottle, and the key on top is the Revival Emblem. The girl is supposed to look Irish. Dalmore’s first love of whiskey was Jamerson, and then it blew up from there. Whiskey was born in Ireland. It was an old Gaelic term called uisce beatha. From there is spread into Scotland and spread around the world. That is why the girl in the bottle has red hair and green eyes. Revival is whiskey joint. There is about 180 bottles of whiskey on the wall.

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