A Clean Story is Written

Quill Pen Tattoo

Quill Pen tattoo. Dominion got the quill pen because they are a screenwriter. Dominion was driving with their ex-fiance, and going through the conundrums they always go through: career, and life. Dominion was always trying to figure out the exact path they are on. Dominion’s ex turned to them and said “you’re a writer just write.” Dominion said they didn’t really think about it then. It was about 10 years ago, but here they are writing. It may be screenwriting, novels, or various other projects. No matter what, the story comes first. Dominion got this tattoo to remind myself of that. It was their first tattoo. This is the only tattoo that they have paid for.

V with Vegetation Tattoo

V with Vegetation tattoo. Dominion is a vegetarian. This tattoo goes along with the X on the left hand. Most people with straight edge tattoos get both the left and right hand tattooed. Dominion wanted to showcase their clean life as being a vegetarian.

Straight Edge Tattoo

Straight Edge tattoo. This is for straight edge: no drugs, no alcohol.  The clouds behind the X is poison. Dominion is planning on getting this one fixed. It’s some purple and some orange. The artist is an amazing artist. Dominion told him what they wanted. The artist said it wasn’t really the artist’s style. Dominion asked him to try anyway. Dominion learned not to ask an artist to do designs outside of their style.

Ghost Face Tattoo

Ghost Face tattoo. This is the mask from Scream. Wes Craven is one of the people that influenced Dominion a lot in their career. When Wes Craven passed away, Dominion decided to get this tattoo. Dominion’s little sister’s name is Sidney. She was named after Sidney Prescott from Scream. The mask means a lot to Dominion.

Bragic Tattoo

Bragic tattoo. Bragic is the Youtube name for Dominion’s mentor. Bragic taught them what to do in the movie business. Dominion and Bragic did not go down the same path. Bragic is one of, if not the most famous skateboard directors in the world. Bragic is the king of the B-roll move. Dominion wanted to remind themselves of his teachings, so they got a tattoo of his name. Dominion did not tell him they got this tattoo. Bragic saw the tag on Instagram and might not have been thrilled about it.

Hercules Knot Tattoo

Hercules Knot tattoo. A Hercules Knot in Greece means united, love, loyalty, and devotion. Dominion said  they say never got a tattoo for a partner. Dominion is polyamorous and there is usually at least one woman in their life. Sometimes Dominion has more then one partner. Dominion got this tattoo it was their promise for love, devotion, and loyalty to the one or ones that Dominion has in their heart. Instead of just getting a partners name or wedding band tattooed, Dominion wanted to show love and unity does not always have to be marriage. It is anybody that Dominion loves and is loyal to.

Tetragrammaton Tattoo

Tetragrammaton tattoo. The Hebrew Tetragrammaton is the unspeakable unpronounceable name of the lord. In Hebrew text, when you see the Tetragrammaton, you are never supposed to attempt to pronounce it. Above it was the word for lord and that was what you were supposed to say. Dominion has a very diverse belief structure. Dominion was raised Christian Baptist, then eventually discovered paganism and Wicca. The beautiful part of paganism to Dominion is you get to choose your own deity/dieties and belief structure. What you truly believe and not just what you are told. Dominion always found comfort, strength, and love in belief and faith. This is who some would call the lord, either be it Judaism or Christianity. When Dominion says the lord they mean the almighty creator. This is who the Christians would say is god who came back. This is without disrespect to Christianity. Dominion states they believe in Jesus. Dominion’s love and devotion is to the almighty power. The one that has created us all. That is who Dominion has the greatest relationship with. Dominion wanted to get the Tetragrammaton tattooed as it is a representation of their love and devotion towards the Alpha and the Omega.

YouTube Tattoo

YouTube Tattoo. Dominion gets a lot of questions about this one. Specifically when they are in any type of entertainment situation. When Dominion went to a studio in LA they lost their minds over it. Dominion went to a studio that creates YouTube content. Everybody had to pause their work and come out to the lobby to look at the person with the YouTube tattoo. Dominion got the tattoo because they started their career on YouTube. All Dominion wanted to be was a YouTuber. Dominion achieved this back in 2011. Dominion decided to move on to pursue film-making, and having a profession career in that. Dominion stepped away from YouTube. YouTube was where Dominion got their start, and why they are who they are. Dominion got the YouTube tattoo as a symbol of their love and aspiration of where they came from. Having Bragic tattooed which was Dominion’s mentors name, Dominion really has two YouTube tattoos.

Additional Stories

The Quill Pen, the X, Hercules knot and Bragic tattoos: The artist is same tattoo artist for all of these tattoos. At first Dominion did not know this. When Dominion went to the tattoo artist to get their first tattoo, Dominion went to a random tattoo shop in Fayetteville, NC. Dominion got the tattoo and paid the guy for the tattoo. Years later, Dominion started working on films and made a friend. This friend has a shop and is a tattoo artist. The artist name is Mister E at Cherry Blossom tattoos. Dominion became friends with and started doing work for him. They started trading work for tattoos. One day Dominion is on this old photo album web site, and sees a picture of themselves getting their first tattoo. At that point it meant every tattoo Dominion had at that time were done my Mister E. Dominion sent him the picture and said, “Did you know you did my first tattoo?” Mister E said, “I had no idea. I do remember that quill pen. I remember when you came in that it looked familiar.”  Dominion can say all of their tattoos have been done by friends. Except for the YouTube tattoo.

The ghost face and the V were done by Joel Macias at Chop Shop Tattoos.

As for the YouTube tattoo, Dominion’s ex fiance left them after 6 years for a tattoo artist. After about 7 months they decided to hash things out. Dominion said they would give the artist a video for their shop and the artist would give Dominion a tattoo. The artist gave Dominion the tattoo, and Dominion never talked to the artist again. Dominion said, “The tattoo didn’t turn out that great, and the artist did not get their video.”

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