Author Archives: joejoe - Page 23

The Owls Watch and the Bat Flies

Owl Tattoo

Owl tattoo. Chapin’s first tattoo. Chapin wanted a tattoo at age 18. Chapin’s mom said that if they were going to get a tattoo, Chapin should make sure they don’t react poorly to the ink, as they have super sensitive skin. Chapin also need something that could be easily hidden for work. At the time, Chapin was working corporate jobs, “no tattoos, no dyed hair, no originality, whatsoever.” This tattoo could easily be hidden with hair. It’s an owl in the shape of a heart. Chapin got this particular tattoo, “because I am unoriginal. I found it online and thought it was cute.”

Clock Owl Tattoo

Clock Owl tattoo. Chapin drew this tattoo for their nanna. Chapin’s nanna had a bunch of owl statues all over her house, and was obsessed with owls. Chapin’s nanna died at 7:20 which is why the clock is at 7:20. Chapin is not super happy with the tattoo, and plans on having it covered up and then redone on the other side of their arm. Chapin’s mom also has this tattoo.

Semicolon Tattoo

Semicolon tattoo. This tattoo is for Chapin’s metal health. The semicolon is what a writer will use to pause a sentence when they could have used a period to end it. The semicolon symbolizing keeping going when you could stop.

Scythe Tattoo

Scythe tattoo. This is a Friday the 13th tattoo. Chapin’s dad has the grim reaper on his arm. That is why Chapin got the scythe — to connect to their dad.

Planchet Tattoo

Planchet tattoo. Just a Friday the 13th tattoo. Simple flash art they had at the tattoo shop.

Portal Tattoo

Portal tattoo. This is from the video game, Portal. Chapin and their ex were obsessed with this game. Chapin’s ex got the matching orange Portal. Chapin’s brother is going to get the orange Portal when he is old enough. This is so Chapin can connect it with brother’s tattoo and not the ex.

Script Tattoo

Script tattoo. This tattoo says, “I love you more than I did yesterday and less then I will tomorrow.” Chapin got that with their ex-fiance. Chapin stated, “Don’t get matching tattoos.” They wanted to get matching tattoos and just looked up quotes about love for this tattoo.

Bat Script Tattoo

Bat Script tattoo. Bat tattoo on head with purple and green smoke. The banner behind it says, ” I am my own.” Chapin had a Mohawk last year and was getting tired of it. Chapin just wanted a full head of hair again. They decided to shave the Mohawk off and start anew. They did not want to deal with the growing out process with their hair. Chapin got told, “don’t shave your head or you wont be pretty anymore.” One person said, “Don’t shave your head I wont want to f*ck you anymore” in front of their fiancé. Chapin was having a pretty shitty night. In a fit, Chapin shaved their head. Chapin stated, “You won’t tell me I’m not beautiful.” That is why the banner says, “I am my own.” Chapin stated, “Only I can decide how I feel about myself. I cannot let other people decide how I feel about myself.” Chapin got the bat because they are obsessed with bats. The bat has the purple and green smoke behind it. Chapin’s fiancé and best friend have a production company together called “Love Skull,” and the theme colors are black, purple and green, so that influenced the colors in this tattoo.

Pagan and Heathen Podcasts

During a moot I attended, It was noted there were not many Pagan and/or Heathen Podcasts. I started naming a couple I enjoy. I was asked to list them out, so here goes:

Heathen Podcasts
The Asatru Community Podcast. This is a female couple where one is a Heathen, and the other is a Druid. I enjoy this as they keep things a little light. Good information, however sometime they can get chatty.

Gifts of the Wyrd. This is a male couple. They do some interviews. It’s worth checking out if you are looking for heathen podcasts.

Northern Myths: I have not listened to this one as much, as they are REALLY LONG. I did enjoy them, I just don’t have the time, and there are other things I want to listen to. I did enjoy the couple I have been able to sit through.

What in the Wyrd: This is a Heathen/Animist. It is short which I really like. It’s a biweekly view of the runes how they effect the current month. The podcaster is located somewhere in NC.

Pagan Podcasts
Pagan Gumbo: It’s ok. Worth checking out.

Down at the Crossroads: This one is long. I will normally stop enjoying the podcast somewhere in their interview. However, I truly enjoy the music they add in between the interviews. I will often just skip to the music.

Honorable mention
Myths and Legends Podcast.
I enjoy the stories. He does some heathen stories, and stories from all around the world. You may not enjoy his take on the story, but then you can delete it. Take it as you will.

Let me know what you think, or if you know of any I should check out.

Many Eyes and a Penguin

Tribal Peace Tattoo

Tribal peace tattoo. It was supposed to be a tribal peace sign. Hoiho stats they embellished the symbolism a little bit. Hoiho have had people them it looks everything from a blue boat anchored to an old man sitting in a chair. Hoiho got this tattoo done at Jack and Diane’s tattoo parlor in Biloxi, Mississippi. It was Hoiho’s first tattoo they were 19 years old. Hoiho had in their pocket this tattoo as a drawing from 14 until they got it at 19. Hoiho said they carried it around knowing it would be their first tattoo. When Hoiho had the money and was an adult they got the tattoo. Hoiho passed out while getting the tattoo done. The artist threw up while doing the tattoo. Hoiho had been walking around all day, it was super hot, and had not drunk any water. The artist puking made Hoiho nervous thinking the artist had messed up, and Hoiho passed out. It was done in July of 2000. The artist scarred Hoiho when he passed out putting the needle in to deep. You can see this on the right side of the tattoo.

Eye of Horus tattoo

Eye of Horus tattoo. This based on the Eye of Horus/Eye of Ra. Hoiho loves Egyptian art work and the movie Stargate. These things inspired some of these eyes. Hoiho came up with slightly different patterns for each eye. The blue stuff was added as it looked kind of empty without something around it. Hoihi has been told the blue under the top eye looks like a uterus.

Egyptian Tribal Gothic Eye Tattoo

Egyptian Tribal Gothic Eye Tattoo. Someone told Hoiho they should get a tattoo with a tribal look to it. Hoihi liked more of a Gothic feel. Hoihi tried to blend both an Egyptian tribal and Gothic feel. The result is this tattoo.

Egyptian Eye Tattoo

Egyptian Eye Tattoo. This one was done as a bet. Someone told Hoiho how painful it was to get tattoos on the inside of your bicep. Hoiho did it as a bet to see how bad it was. Hoiho had another design and got the tattoo. Hoiho said it did not hurt that bad.

A penguin smoking a cigarette and wearing combat boots on a bomb, while holding a pitchfork tattoo

A penguin smoking a cigarette and wearing combat boots on a bomb, while holding a pitchfork tattoo. Hoiho used to play this game called Crawl Hounds. It was a military sim game online. Hoiho’s logo in the game was a penguin on a bomb. Hoiho had a trident pasted in the back ground of the logo. Hoiho’s wife wanted to do a tattoo. It was her first tattoo. They bought a home tattoo kit. Hoiho drew a picture this picture and she did it. The reason it is so light. Hoiho kept giggling when she was trying to do the tattoo.

Kenaz – The Sixth Rune

Kenaz is the 6th rune. Kenaz is phonetically ‘K.” Its rune name may come from the old Germanic word “kien”, which means pine or fir tree. Since it means torch, the element for this rune is fire. Kenaz is the in Freya’s Aett which is the first Aett. It is often connected to the god Heimdall. I think the connection to Heimdall may come from the story that Heimdall brought the runes to man.

Kenaz is most often connected to mean torch. However it may also mean creativity, or revelation. The kenaz rune may also be the symbol for physical or spiritual enlightenment. This coming to know or understand. As the torch to guide you in the darkness.

Old Norwegian
Ulcer is fatal to children;
death makes a corpse pale.

Old Icelandic:
Disease fatal to children
and painful spot
and abode of mortification.

The torch is known to every living man
by its pale, bright flame; it always burns
where princes sit within.

In a reading it means:
contained fire
that “aha” moment
the thing that allows you to see
the coming to know
Fire can cook meat, and burn your house down

Face down:
You don’t know
You are asking the wrong question
What you can not see yet
You already know the answer
You do not have the knowledge to get there.

#12/3/2018 Update:
After a month of Kenaz: Kenaz shows you what is there. You may or may not want to see it. It will show you.
I also now better understanding of these poems. They are talking about seeing things they may not have wanted to see.
A true path is not always pretty until you get to the end. Kenaz keeps your view real, and not the dream. Once this is understood, you understand how to make the path clear in advance.

Additional Note: This is connected to Heimdall because of what you see.

Superstitious not Meek

Parrot Tattoo

Parrot tattoo. Petcha’s father had a parrot on him as well. At the bottom of dad’s parrot was his initials. Petcha got this tattoo before their father died. Smith was Petcha’s name before getting married.

Coy Fish with Father Kangi Tattoo

Koi fish with father kanji tattoo. This was for Petcha’s grandfather — he liked fishing. When their grandfather died. Petcha got this tattoo. Below the fish is the kanji for father.

Lace Tattoo

Lace tattoo. When this tattoo is complete, it will look as if lace is covering Petcha’s entire leg.  There is also a cat in the lace if you look closely.

Superstitious Kanji Tattoo

Superstitious kanji tattoo. This tattoo was supposed to be the kanji for superstitious. Petcha had someone tell them in Chinese it means meek.  Petcha believes this is their first tattoo.

** Joejoe’s Note: I looked it up. I am not sure. It could be connected to the kanji for superstitious. When I learn more Chinese I may update this to confirm.

Bumble Bee Tattoo

Bumblebee tattoo. Petcha called their oldest son, “bumblebee.”

Blue Flower Stem Tattoo

Blue flower stem tattoo. Petcha’s husband drew it. Petcha liked it and got the tattoo.

Green Flower Tattoo

Green flower tattoo. Petcha’s husband also drew this one and Petcha got it.

A Shift in Halloween

Halloween Tattoo Halloween Tattoo Halloween Tattoo

Halloween tattoo. This was to cover up a Muncie four-speed tattoo. They got the Muncie tattoo when they were 18. It was boring. On Halloween night, they were at an artist’s lake house. The artist said, “you gotta cover that up.” They agreed. It was Halloween and they love Halloween, so they got a Jack o’lantern. “Halloween is awesome!”

There is a bat in the middle. The shading was not done, so a couple of years ago they had someone else do the shading. They thought the person was a tattoo artist. The friend did the bat on the forehead.

Family Flower Bouquet

Family Flower Tattoo Family Flower Tattoo Family Flower Tattoo

Family flower bouquet tattoo. Madilyn and Bryan are the children. The aster is Bryan’s birth flower. The chrysanthemum is Madilyn’s birth flower. The center flower is from their wedding. It is a hydrangea.

Tattoo Artist Shows First Rose

Rose Tattoo by Jorge at The Focus Tattoo Parlour

Rose tattoo. This was the first tattoo that Jorge ever did on human skin. For their first tattoo, Jorge tattooed a girl who had graduated from the same mentor. She did her second tattoo on Jorge. The promise was this: Jorge would do their first tattoo on her. The night before, Jorge consumed a 2-for-1 drink special at Chili’s. Jorge thought if they do it on themselves and it looks ok, Jorge won’t mess her up to bad. Jorge left Chili’s, went to the shop, and did the rose on themselves, and then tattooed her the next morning. They have matching tattoos.

Jorge is a tattoo artist at The Focus Tattoo Parlour in Warrenton, NC.


Jumps and Flies Free

Frog Tattoo

Frog tattoo. Abah and their best friend had box seats to watch the Hornets play in the new arena. They were underage, and thought they could drink without getting carded. This was because they had club seats. They did not get to drink. They were just watching the game, bored, and said, “let’s go get tattoos.” They each got frogs.

Flower Tattoo

Flower Tattoo. Abah was cleaning up after a shift at the restaurant they work at. Jorge walked by and Abah asked, “Do you want to do a tattoo tonight?” Jorge was like, “Sure, no problem.”  Abah went online found a design they liked. Jorge did it in just 15 minutes.

Feather With Brave Wings She Flies Tattoo

Feather With Brave Wings She Flies tattoo. Abah was in an abusive relationship. Abah had to get a restraining order, and it was a really difficult time. After everything was done with the relationship, Abah got the tattoo to remind themselves, “You do not need anything. You can take care of you, be brave and you can fly.”

Star Tattoo

Star tattoo. Abah got it cause they liked it.

Angel Tattoo

Angel Tattoo. Abah grew up Catholic and went to a Catholic school. When Abah went to collage they went to a liberal arts school. The school really opened Abah’s eyes a lot. Abah saw a lot of things with Catholicism they did not not agree with. Their way as in the tattoo. The tattoo is an angel with her back to you and a rosary down her back. Abah is still very religious but not in the strict confines of the Catholic faith. This tattoo respresented Abah turning their back on religion. It’s still there and Abah still has their beliefs. Abah kind of believes in a, “what would Jesus do” path. Abah believes in being a good person and doing the right thing. Abah stated, “as long as you do what you honestly believe to be a good person, that is all you need to be. You don’t need to prove yourself to anybody else or any church. Your relationship with god and Jesus Christ is your own.”

Raido – The Fifth Rune

Raido is the fifth rune in the Elder Futhark. Phonetically this is the “R”(or “Z”) sound. The Raido basic meaning is ride or cart. It also could mean “to ride.” Rad is the old German word for wheel. Diana Paxton states that reidhi is the Norse word for wrath. I am not sure if this has any connection to the meaning of Raido. Raido is the in the first Aett, which is Freya’s Aett. It looks like a “R.”

Icelandic Poem:
Riding is the joy of the rider
and a speedy journey,
and the labor of the horse

Norwegian Poem:
Riding is said to be worst for horses
Regin forged the best sword

Anglo-Saxon Poem:
Riding is in the hall for the warrior
soft more strenuous when astride
a great stallion pounding the log mile paths

The interesting idea for the Norwegian poem is sword may be the right time to act.

In a reading it can mean:
A journey
It could mean the path
Astral Projection
Journey through life

Update: Oct 28 2018

After a month of connecting with Raido, I would say this is the rune of change, and travel. I will not say that thisey have been fun. It is the ride through life. Raido will create some change. It is also the travel or adventure rune. Wearing this for a month, you will find some adventures. When wearing this runic necklace, it’s a good idea to have a purpose.