Category Archives: Norse - Page 5

Uruz the Second Rune

Uruz is the second rune in the Elder Futhark. Uruz is phonetically, “U.” It comes from the Aurochs. Its direct meaning is “Wild Ox.” It’s in the first aett which is Freyja’s. Uruz is connected to Frejya. Many connect the meaning to strength, which then attempts to connection to Thor.  I have also seen where it is connected to Urd,the norn of the past. Its element is earth.

The Norwegian poem is:
Dross comes from bad iron;
the reindeer often races over the frozen snow.

It appears the word “dross” may mean water. This would connect this statement to rust. I would see the reindeer running as a primal force. This would connect this poem to undirected energy, may end with bad results.

Uruz is connected to Fehu. Fehu would be considered tamed cattle, Uruz is the wild oxen. Aswynn states Uruz is “the unconscious drive for manifestation.”

It is the rune of independence, and asserting oneself and one’s territory. Uruz is that internal force that decides to do something. It may be the energy without a plan, which may be its connection to Urd.

Some of the meaning for Uruz:
Wild unconstrained strength
Good Health
Strength you have or need
More Instinct then Mental
potential strength or danger
persistence, durability and adaptability
Passion for what you are doing
Health recovered.


6/26/2018: Update.
I need to add some addition connections I have made to the rune. This is the rune of just pure energy. Its the weed that grows in the concrete. It cracks through with the will to live. It is also the rune of the wheel, if you dont monitor it. It will break and keep pushing. It with without a path. I am kind of connecting it to the Terminator: It does not stop. It is through will alone you aid in directing its path.

If combined it is a powerful ally. If for instance you combine Fehu and Uruz. You get more directed plan. You will need to make sure to stop before it becomes to much.

That being said if you need to break through a wall. Get an Uruz. If you need to heal helps with that also. Just remember to stop a little before you are done so you dont fall off the edge.

Bear Wearing an Odin Shirt

A Bear wearing an Odin shirt

I thought it would be fun to create a picture of a bear wearing an Odin shirt. I do not have a copy of Photoshop. I first tried to use Gimp, however I do not really have any skill with this application. I then decided on Krita. It is not bad for my first time using Krita. If you would like to fix it to make it better, I will accept any improvements.

Fehu The First Rune

Fehu Rune

The first rune of the Elder Futhark, Fehu, is phonetically “F.” Fehu is connected to Freya. Its direct meaning is the relationship to the land. It is stated that it means Cattle or Wealth. From Freya Aswynn it is connected to the word “fee.” It could mean any money or currency. Its connected to Freyja. Fehu’s elements are earth and fire.

It is the First Rune in the Freyja and/or Freyr aett. I have only seen one place were it was connected to Freyr’s aett. Most agree that it is only Freyja’s aett. Since they are twins, I am not sure. I see its connection to both. The first aett  represents the first steps of a journey.  The journey would be in understand the physical to prepare for the next steps in the spiritual paths in the next two aetts.

Fehu is often perceived as wealth. However, it is less about wealth and more about how your life is effected by its surroundings. If you look at cattle, in the old days cattle meant if you could make it through winter.

I like this take on the rune: Magdalena. They propose that the reason its connected to Frejya is because Freyja is a love (and war) goddess.  This is connected to the circulation an emotion.  When you show emotions, you will also receive emotions.

I really like the Norwegian poem for this rune:
Wealth is a source of discord among kinsmen;
the wolf lives in the forest.

In a rune reading. It can mean any of the following:

  • Energy to get you to go to work
  • Potential Energy
  • The wolf that lurks in the forest
  • Luck and wealth close together
  • Ability
  • Spirits of place
  • Gain in work field
  • Money Wealth
  • Social Success
  • Personal Power
  • Property

Its inverse could mean:

  • No backing
  • You don’t have what takes.

My personal view: I started wearing Fehu around the 14th of the month, which helps to remind me to meditate on the rune. I feel it has been pushing me to do more. It also has a connection with personal greed. What do you need, and why do you need it. What will it take to survive. Does something hold you back? If it does stop doing that. That’s the wolf in the forest.


Added Notes 06-05-2018:

As I wear Fehu for the month. I have deepened my connection to Fehu. I do see the Freyja and fee. I see a little more now. The term Cattle is food. You eat the food to make it through the winter. That is the fee to survive the winter. You also dont want to show off you wealth. Imagine you were starving, they have food. This would be the wolf in the forest. If you share your food openly. You help create the bonds to make it through.

It does not mean you will make it through the winter. It means you have the tools to make it through the winter.

24 Months of Runes

I have been studying the Elder Futhark with Sleipnir’s saddle.

I have been trying to get a closer connection to the Runes. I have purchased a Fehu chain. My plan is get a chain with each rune. I will then wear the rune for a month in an attempt to get a better connection to the runes.


Thoughts on Japanese Kanji, Norse Runes, and Simplified Chinese

Since it’s winter and cold outside, I have been thinking about one of things a friend was talking about: I wonder if Japanese Kanji’s mean something stupid.

I have thought about as well – are old symbols still relevant? I am currently studying the Norse Runes. I have also taken a Mandarin language class. I don’t know much about Japanese, but I will assume it follows the same relavency, which I will discuss..

I will start with the Norse Runes. Someone may ask “Do you think the Heathen of old, would see this as just the alphabet in a circle?”. That opinion seems very childish. Heck, no! To the Norse, the runes have power and magic. If you have them on something its is a show of respect for them.

Norse Runes in a circle

The next one I will talk about is Mandarin. If you take a language class that teaches you how to write simplified Chinese. The Chinese find their language beautiful. They also have all kind of rules on how to make each line in the character. If you create the character in the wrong direction, some people can tell.

My understanding is if you only speak Mandarin, people who only speak Cantonese will not be able to understand you, and vice versa. This is however not true in writing. The character is the same in both Mandarin and Cantonese. If this is correct people who do not speak the same language, could communicate by writing it down. With this information. I would again think this is a show of respect to the language.

Simplified Chinese character for dragon

Simplified Chinese character for dragon


I would like to be able to provide information about Japanese. I don’t think it would be any different than Norse or simplified Chinese. This is a show of respect to their language, and you connect to their language.

Japanese Kanji for Dragon

Japanese Kanji for Dragon


Before I would get anything tattooed on my body I would research it. If it looks like the image below, I would probably not get it! 🙂

Japanese Kanji for Stupid