Ebates – Earn Cash!


If you click on this link and join, I will get a reward!

Other sites pay more, but I still use Ebates.

Here is why I enjoy using Ebates:
* I only use Ebates with the Chrome extension. If you take a long time to pick what you are going to buy, most sites will try to kick out the referring site reward. The Chrome extension will see this, and allow you to reset the connection so you still get the reward (or discount).
* Ebates will send you a check, even if it’s a tiny amount. One of my checks was for $3.58. It’s not a ton of money, but I don’t spend that much online. It is an easy way to get a discount on stuff you would buy anyway.
* It’s like adding a coupon without have to look for one.

If you have a site you like more than Ebates, let me know in the comments what you use. Also let me know how much money you have gotten back.

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