The Hamsa is a feminine symbol of protection and energy. On the inside is the symbol for the divine feminine. It also has an evil eye. It is like I have something watching my back all the time. It is done in my eye colors. It’s like I have an extra eye back there.

Captain Marvel. She is my favorite superhero. I connected to her. When she came out in the ’60s, she was very scantily clad, wearing the classic bikini outfit. Now she has been modernized and has a full-body suit. She is taken more seriously as a female superhero, which I like about her.
Maleficent. I am a big Disney fan. I have been since I was five years old. Maleficent is my favorite character. I also play Dungeons & Dragons. The dragon is from Dungeons & Dragons. It’s done in Maleficent coloring. This represents both my love for Disney and my nerdy side.

I did not get the story about this particular tattoo. If you are the owner of this tattoo, please get in touch with me, and provide the story of this tattoo!