First Insanity then Chaos Follows

Chinese Kanji for Insanity surrounded by a Chaos symbol tattoo

Chinese Kanji for Insanity surrounded by a chaos symbol tattoo. Sammy and their girlfriend at time were getting tattoos. Sammy thought the Chinese symbol for insanity would make a cool tattoo. Sammy did verify that the symbol was correct.  The first one looked small, so they decided to put something around it. The Chinese was done in San Diego. Years later, the Chaos was done in Pittsburgh.  Sammy figured chaos and insanity summed up their life.

2010 GWARbq tattoo 2012 GWARbq tattoo

2010 and 2012 GWAR B-Q tattoos. Sammy is not sure if they had one for 2011. The other years Sammy went, they were either too drunk or too grimy to get a tattoo. Sammy was going to get all of them, “but got lazy.” Sammy should have at least 4 more.

Chaos Tattoo Cory Smoot

Chaos tattoo. Cory Smoot was a guitarist for GWAR. He passed away a couple of years ago. They did a memorial show for Cory. The show was to raise money for Cory’s wife and unborn child. This was the logo Cory came up with for his solo project. They were doing these tattoos as part of the fundraiser.

Umlaut Improv Team tattoo

Umlaut Improv Team tattoo. Originally, the team was named, “Sock Monkey Murder Farm.” They had to come up with a better name. Out of a list of 200 names, Umlaut won. All of the vowels of the umlaut have the umlaut over them. All of the members of the team had the umlaut tattoo except for Greg, who did not want a tattoo. Only 4 other people that Sammy know of have this tattoo.

Dragon tattoo. In the 1990’s, Sammy got a dragon tattoo. This was because it was the 90’s and Sammy thought it would be a cool thing to do. Sammy always liked dragons. Sammy’s Chinese zodiac symbol is the dragon. Sammy now feels the tattoo is too small. Sammy stated, “It needs more stuff to it.”

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