Hidden in the Stars

Clover Star Sleeve Tattoo / Lacie Frain Phoenix Tattoo Clover Star Sleeve Tattoo / Lacie Frain Phoenix Tattoo

Clover Star sleeve tattoo. Eon had the clover tattoo for 3 to 5 years. It was just one small tattoo inside their arm. Eon went to a woman who fixed their other tattoo — Lacie Frain at Phoenix Tattoo, on Hillsborough St. in Raleigh, NC. Lasie had done a good job with the other tattoo. Eon told her to to fill out the clover with a sleeve. Eon did not have any ideas, and Lacie did not have any preconceived ideas. Lacie asked Eon to think about it. Eon said, “Let’s do it now!” Lacie came up with the surrounding. The only thing Eon knew they wanted was the star. Eon’s other tattoo has stars, and they wanted a star in this one as well. Lacie improvised and was creative with it. The clover is because Eon is Irish, though Eon is a lot of other things as well.

Bursting Sun Tattoo / Lacie Frain Phoenix Tattoo Bursting Sun Tattoo / Lacie Frain Phoenix Tattoo

Bursting Sun tattoo. This was the first tattoo Eon got. At first it was just the sun one star. Eon wanted more added to it. Eon showed Lacie the tattoo and ask if she could elaborate on it. Lacie added the burst of stars. She made it more of what Eon wanted it to be. Eon had originally dreamed up the tattoo, and knew it was going to come across their shoulder, and have a sun and stars.

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