Trash Arm tattoo: One of Nekt’s first jobs was at a tattoo shop. Nekt wanted to be a tattoo artist. The first job they gave Nekt was cleaning floors, and being a guinea pig for test artwork. The bird was most likely the first tattoo. Then they did the cloud outlines and the sun. The artist that was doing this tattoo left town. Nekt was stuck with an unfinished arm. Nekt went to another tattoo artist and asked how this could be covered up. The artist asked what Nekt’s favorite comic book was, at the time it was The Darkness. They decided to cover it up with dark daemons and lots of black. The artist did the outline and a week later skipped town. Nekt is now two crappy tattoos deep, and can’t do anything about it. Nekt has not changed the tattoo in more than 20 years. Nekt is waiting for someone to come along and say, “I can fix that,” or “I can make that something.”
Gumby tattoo: Nekt was in a band called, Slow Children. This was the band’s mascot, Special Ed. Special Ed was on both arms. Nekt was going to get them both covered up. This one looked better so it was kept. Being a poor starving artist, Nekt never got this one covered up.
Captain America tattoo: This is a cover up of the matching Gumby tattoo that was mentioned above. This one did not look as good so it went first. Eventually, Nekt will get black all the way up their arm, if they can’t find someone fix this.
Finger Eleven tattoo: Nekt was a really big fan of Finger Eleven’s first two albums. Finger Eleven came out with a third album. The art was this menagerie of faces, eyes, ears, arms, and just gross. Nekt loved it and put it on their body. The third album sucked. It was the worst album ever. Nekt now has a permanent reminder of, “don’t put something on your body before you have heard the music.”
Hada Alaskan Indian Tribal tattoo: Nekt was told this is a Hada Alaskan Indian tribal tattoo. That was what they told Nekt when they put it on them. Nekt was a practice pig and would do anything for free tattoos. They put it on the back of their leg. It’s really old and faded, but it is Nekt’s favorite tattoo.
Star Wars Rebel Alliance tattoo: This is Nekt’s most recent tattoo. Rebel Alliance for life, at least that is what Nekt tells their friends. In private, Nekt is an imperialist.