This is Kentucky fried chicken (KFC) review. Here is my previous review of Bojangles.
I had not been to KFC, I think, in more than 20 years. I don’t have a good reason why except I just remember not liking it.
I tried to use a coupon, but the coupon was for dark meat only. I ordered a three-piece combo: 2 pieces of original and one piece of extra crispy. It came with a drink and a side of taters and gravy. I then order a small side of fries and mac and cheese. Total spent: $15.56
The KFC did not have a ton of people there. The people working there were friendly. The person working did look for a coupon for me but had no luck.
The food coming out of the box did not look great. These little plastic containers just looked cheap.
Shellie did the review with me. This is her pre-thoughts on KFC.
Shellie: KFC comes with preconceived notions about it being particularly unhealthy, ingrained in me since childhood when I wasn’t allowed to eat fried chicken.

Joejoe: The chicken was good! I was surprised. The original chicken was a cohesive unit. The flavors went all the way through the chicken. The extra crispy was also delicious and had more of a spicy flavor. The chicken was better than Bojangles.
Shellie: I got a white meat breast just like at Bojangles. KFC’s chicken flows together better than the Bojangles. The white meat is less dry. The breading is more bready. It’s greasier than Bojangles, though, contributing to my regretting of life choices.
Joejoe: The biscuit was garbage. It was both hard outside and doughy inside. We did not finish the one biscuit between the two of us.
Shellie: Biscuit smells good, but that’s all it has going for it. It’s a little bread brick with no flakiness whatsoever. It should be brought to protests for throwing at your detractors.

Joejoe: The fries were super good. The correct crispy, like they are fried in meat fat. KFC has upped their game on the fries. Comparing them to Bojangles: Bojangles fries may be healthier and have a nice cajun seasoning. If you want just tasty fries, KFC is the clear winner here.
Shellie: These are doubled fried, tripled fried, with breading. Amazing. The best part of the meal.

Joejoe: The mac and cheese was delicious. Noodles were the correct texture. The cheese somehow had a stronger cheese flavor. Also, a winner ahead of Bojangles.
Shellie: Gummy. I don’t want to eat it.

Joejoe: Taters and Gravy: I first want to point out that the presentation is not good. When I looked at them, they looked like something from the future where there is no food. They feed you whatever they mashed together. However, the taters and gravy were good. The flavor was more consistent than Bojangles. It felt like I was again eating a more cohesive food. I enjoyed them.
Shellie: They have spent many decades perfecting these. Much better than Bojangles. But I’m still not a huge fan of mashed potatoes.
I am shocked that I enjoyed my KFC experience. I am also not feeling quite as sick after eating. I would not say I am feeling great, just not as bad. The price is higher by about 16%. This is not a huge difference, but it does affect my experience.
Shellie: I feel a bit grosser after eating KFC than I did after Bojangles, like my arteries aren’t doing so well. Bojangles chicken tastes like an occasional treat. KFC tastes like a lifetime of bad choices. You don’t go to KFC because your life is going well.
Joejoe: Currently, KFC is the winner. That being said, if I was getting a chicken biscuit, I would go to Bojangles. KFC is a much better biscuit to throw at people, which is the only good thing to do with them.