Tag Archives: egyptian

Many Eyes and a Penguin

Tribal Peace Tattoo

Tribal peace tattoo. It was supposed to be a tribal peace sign. Hoiho stats they embellished the symbolism a little bit. Hoiho have had people them it looks everything from a blue boat anchored to an old man sitting in a chair. Hoiho got this tattoo done at Jack and Diane’s tattoo parlor in Biloxi, Mississippi. It was Hoiho’s first tattoo they were 19 years old. Hoiho had in their pocket this tattoo as a drawing from 14 until they got it at 19. Hoiho said they carried it around knowing it would be their first tattoo. When Hoiho had the money and was an adult they got the tattoo. Hoiho passed out while getting the tattoo done. The artist threw up while doing the tattoo. Hoiho had been walking around all day, it was super hot, and had not drunk any water. The artist puking made Hoiho nervous thinking the artist had messed up, and Hoiho passed out. It was done in July of 2000. The artist scarred Hoiho when he passed out putting the needle in to deep. You can see this on the right side of the tattoo.

Eye of Horus tattoo

Eye of Horus tattoo. This based on the Eye of Horus/Eye of Ra. Hoiho loves Egyptian art work and the movie Stargate. These things inspired some of these eyes. Hoiho came up with slightly different patterns for each eye. The blue stuff was added as it looked kind of empty without something around it. Hoihi has been told the blue under the top eye looks like a uterus.

Egyptian Tribal Gothic Eye Tattoo

Egyptian Tribal Gothic Eye Tattoo. Someone told Hoiho they should get a tattoo with a tribal look to it. Hoihi liked more of a Gothic feel. Hoihi tried to blend both an Egyptian tribal and Gothic feel. The result is this tattoo.

Egyptian Eye Tattoo

Egyptian Eye Tattoo. This one was done as a bet. Someone told Hoiho how painful it was to get tattoos on the inside of your bicep. Hoiho did it as a bet to see how bad it was. Hoiho had another design and got the tattoo. Hoiho said it did not hurt that bad.

A penguin smoking a cigarette and wearing combat boots on a bomb, while holding a pitchfork tattoo

A penguin smoking a cigarette and wearing combat boots on a bomb, while holding a pitchfork tattoo. Hoiho used to play this game called Crawl Hounds. It was a military sim game online. Hoiho’s logo in the game was a penguin on a bomb. Hoiho had a trident pasted in the back ground of the logo. Hoiho’s wife wanted to do a tattoo. It was her first tattoo. They bought a home tattoo kit. Hoiho drew a picture this picture and she did it. The reason it is so light. Hoiho kept giggling when she was trying to do the tattoo.