Tag Archives: Freyja

Gebo – The Seventh Rune

Gebo is the seventh rune in the Elder Futhark. Gebo is phonetically ‘G”.  Gebo is in Freya’s Aett, which is the first Aett. Gebo is said to be connected to Gefion or Gefn. It is also noted as an air element so could also be connected to Odin. As Gefion is the goddess of agriculture, and connected to Frigga. I will at first lean towards her. I may be proven wrong at the end of the month.

Gebo is said to be the gift rune. The Norse idea of gifting was more of an exchange. A ring could be given as a gift. Accepting the ring noted that you were loyal to the giver. However it would not be required to be equal value. An easy way to see this is with a pot luck. It was understood that giving meat was of higher value, while bring what you could is what is expected. Asatru is about connecting, not separating. What you give is what you get.

Anglo-Saxon Rune Poem:
Generosity brings credit and honour, which support one’s dignity;
it furnishes help and subsistence
to all broken men who are devoid of aught else.

In readings it could mean. Please note this is all based on the question asked:
Face Up:
balance your people
self sacrifice
fair exchange
what is it worth
you will get something out of it
It could be about the relationship connection
you will get something back

Face down:
Friend not worth time
not getting what you deserve
you are being taken advantage of
this will not be easy, of course it could be really easy also.

End of month:
I will say I really enjoyed Gebo. Was really interesting I got this in December. Very much a balancing rune. Truly what you give is what you get. It will help enforce a balance.


Kenaz – The Sixth Rune

Kenaz is the 6th rune. Kenaz is phonetically ‘K.” Its rune name may come from the old Germanic word “kien”, which means pine or fir tree. Since it means torch, the element for this rune is fire. Kenaz is the in Freya’s Aett which is the first Aett. It is often connected to the god Heimdall. I think the connection to Heimdall may come from the story that Heimdall brought the runes to man.

Kenaz is most often connected to mean torch. However it may also mean creativity, or revelation. The kenaz rune may also be the symbol for physical or spiritual enlightenment. This coming to know or understand. As the torch to guide you in the darkness.

Old Norwegian
Ulcer is fatal to children;
death makes a corpse pale.

Old Icelandic:
Disease fatal to children
and painful spot
and abode of mortification.

The torch is known to every living man
by its pale, bright flame; it always burns
where princes sit within.

In a reading it means:
contained fire
that “aha” moment
the thing that allows you to see
the coming to know
Fire can cook meat, and burn your house down

Face down:
You don’t know
You are asking the wrong question
What you can not see yet
You already know the answer
You do not have the knowledge to get there.

#12/3/2018 Update:
After a month of Kenaz: Kenaz shows you what is there. You may or may not want to see it. It will show you.
I also now better understanding of these poems. They are talking about seeing things they may not have wanted to see.
A true path is not always pretty until you get to the end. Kenaz keeps your view real, and not the dream. Once this is understood, you understand how to make the path clear in advance.

Additional Note: This is connected to Heimdall because of what you see.

Thurisaz the Third Rune


Thurisaz is the third rune in the Elder Futhark. Thurisaz phonetically is, “Th.” Its literal meaning is “giant.” Its elements are air and fire. It’s in the first Aett, which is Freyja’s Aett. Its shape is a Thor’s hammer protecting us from the giants. I really like the quote from runesecrets, “Thurisaz represents the warrior that combines consciousness and wisdom with matters requiring force.”

Old Norwegian Poem:
Thurs (“Giant”) causes anguish to women,
misfortune makes few men cheerful.

Old Icelandic:
Thurs (“Giant”) is torture of women and cliff-dweller
and husband of a giantess Saturn’s thegn.

The thorn is exceedingly sharp,
an evil thing for any thegn to touch,
uncommonly severe on all who sit among them.

Right now, I am not sure how these poems connect to Thurisaz. I may figure it out by the end of the month.

Here are some of the meanings of this rune in divination:

  • Take wild strength and focus.
  • Will Power
  • Tool
  • Hard Work
  • Element of Danger
  • Hard Work pays off
  • It is normally a good sign in a read.
  • It is not a good sign in a relationship question.

Aug 19 2018: Update

Thurisaz was so far the most fun rune. It has a dedicated energy of focus. You can lose everything around you.

Personal Note: I do not really connect to Thor. I did get a connection to Vidar during this month of the Thurisaz. This may be a couple of reasons. Vidar’s the son of Odin and the jotunn Grider. Thurisaz means giant so it connects with this. I could also see the symbol as Vidar standing up in Fenrir’s mouth. Vidar is also the god of leather work, which requires the dedicated focus. This is of course my opinion. I am sure someone will tell me that it must only connect to Thor, and I doing it wrong.

Fehu The First Rune

Fehu Rune

The first rune of the Elder Futhark, Fehu, is phonetically “F.” Fehu is connected to Freya. Its direct meaning is the relationship to the land. It is stated that it means Cattle or Wealth. From Freya Aswynn it is connected to the word “fee.” It could mean any money or currency. Its connected to Freyja. Fehu’s elements are earth and fire.

It is the First Rune in the Freyja and/or Freyr aett. I have only seen one place were it was connected to Freyr’s aett. Most agree that it is only Freyja’s aett. Since they are twins, I am not sure. I see its connection to both. The first aett  represents the first steps of a journey.  The journey would be in understand the physical to prepare for the next steps in the spiritual paths in the next two aetts.

Fehu is often perceived as wealth. However, it is less about wealth and more about how your life is effected by its surroundings. If you look at cattle, in the old days cattle meant if you could make it through winter.

I like this take on the rune: Magdalena. They propose that the reason its connected to Frejya is because Freyja is a love (and war) goddess.  This is connected to the circulation an emotion.  When you show emotions, you will also receive emotions.

I really like the Norwegian poem for this rune:
Wealth is a source of discord among kinsmen;
the wolf lives in the forest.

In a rune reading. It can mean any of the following:

  • Energy to get you to go to work
  • Potential Energy
  • The wolf that lurks in the forest
  • Luck and wealth close together
  • Ability
  • Spirits of place
  • Gain in work field
  • Money Wealth
  • Social Success
  • Personal Power
  • Property

Its inverse could mean:

  • No backing
  • You don’t have what takes.

My personal view: I started wearing Fehu around the 14th of the month, which helps to remind me to meditate on the rune. I feel it has been pushing me to do more. It also has a connection with personal greed. What do you need, and why do you need it. What will it take to survive. Does something hold you back? If it does stop doing that. That’s the wolf in the forest.


Added Notes 06-05-2018:

As I wear Fehu for the month. I have deepened my connection to Fehu. I do see the Freyja and fee. I see a little more now. The term Cattle is food. You eat the food to make it through the winter. That is the fee to survive the winter. You also dont want to show off you wealth. Imagine you were starving, they have food. This would be the wolf in the forest. If you share your food openly. You help create the bonds to make it through.

It does not mean you will make it through the winter. It means you have the tools to make it through the winter.