Tag Archives: Kanji

A journey to the end of the world starts with one sin.

Kanji Sin tattoo

Kanji Sin tattoo: This was Rise’s first tattoo. It’s supposed to be the kanji for sin. Rise is not sure if it is. Rise got it on their 18th birthday. Rise had picked it out a long time ago while hanging out at a tattoo parlor with friends. Rise’s friends were all a couple of years older. Every time Rise would go in and see this, Rise would geek out over it. Rise planned to that tattoo on their body somewhere. Rise woke up on this birthday, went to a shop, picked it out, and 30 mins later there it was. Nothing special. Rise thought it was funny at the time –mom said that tattoos were a sin and that god hated them. Rise thought this was hilarious.

Butterfly tattoo

Butterfly tattoo: This was Rise’s second tattoo. Rise got it at the end of their first year in college. Rise and one of their good friends had been hanging out at a tattoo parlor in their college town. An artist and Rise had been chatting on and off. They had been chatting about what tattoos they were getting. The artist said, “you like butterflies and I can do that one really quick.” Not much thought was involved. The artist needed some practice, and Rise had plenty of spare skin. No one can see this tattoo. The tattoo is almost on the back of their neck, and it’s easy to hide. When Rise was a kid, they were a dancer. Rise’s grandfather said Rise danced liked a butterfly. Rise was jumping and spinning all the time. That is where the interest of butterflies came about.

Butterflies tattoo

Butterflies tattoo: Rise already had a butterfly tattoo, and had a theme going. This is likely the only patch of color Rise is ever going to have. Rise got this one as a 21st birthday present to themself. Rise wanted something to make them happy. The butterflies were small and brightly colored. The butterflies reminded Rise of happy times.

Triforce and calla lily tattoo

Triforce and Calla Lily tattoo: Rise thinks 3 is a powerful number.  Focusing on the 3’s was very important. Calla Lily is Rise’s favorite flower, and also symbolize peace.  The triple knot is a symbol of protection. There is a song by Cradle of Filth called, “Born in a Burial Gown.” There is one lyric that has always stood out in Rise’s mind, talking about a blessed foot forward. This is Rise’s blessed foot. Rise blessed it with peace and protection. Rise got it on a whim in their hometown. It was the end of a chapter, and what Rise wanted to manifest going forward.

Till the end of the world tattoo

Till the end of the World tattoo: Rise and their best friend had been joking for a long time about getting friendship tattoos for her Bachelorette party. Rise pulled it out at the last minute. They got Buffy-themed tattoos. She has this awesome tattoo of a broken yellow crayon. That is reference to an episode. “Til the end of the World” is Rise’s favorite quote from the whole show, at the end of Buffy Season 5. Buffy is about to go off and sacrifice herself to save the world. She makes Spike promise take care of her little sister. Spike’s promise is, “Till the end of the World.” This is the pinnacle moment of the show. Getting these tattoos was their commemorative friendship moment.  Rise spent some time thinking about this tattoo. When Rise got to the shop Rise was surprised on how big this tattoo was going to be. Rise had expected it to be very small, so that you would have to look very hard to see it. The artist did not agree. Rise just went with it.


Strength and the Green Lantern Core

Chinese Hanzi for strength tattoo

Chinese Hanzi for strength tattoo: In my family they are the glue that keeps their family together.

Green Lantern tattoo Green Lantern tattoo Green Lantern tattoo Green Lantern tattoo Green Lantern tattoo

Green Lantern tattoo:  They got this tattoo because they have always had a love for the Green Lantern Core and what the Core stand for. The Green Lantern Core are the police of the universe. They have always thought of themselves as an upstanding citizen. They did 10 years in the military which helps with this thought.

Crescent Moon and Dark Star tattoo

Crescent Moon and Dark Star tattoo: They are a Pagan. This is their connection to the metaphysical. They want to get the same design on their other side, where the moon would be darkened and the star is not filled in. The new tattoo would be for balance to this tattoo.

Enjoys the Pain

Neck Tattoo Neck Tattoo Neck Tattoo Neck Tattoo

Neck tattoo: They had seen the movie From Dusk till Dawn, and a character had a tattoo going up to his neck. For years and years they always wanted a tattoo like this. They are a big Quentin Tarantino fan. They woke up one morning and got the tattoo. They started to add more and more to it. When they are at work, bored, or on lunch break they add to the tattoo. They kind of do it just because they like the pain from the healing. They keep adding more to the tattoo.

Yin Yang Sun tattoo

Yin Yang Sun tattoo: They got this tattoo when they were drunk at Mardi Gras.

Sanaia Tattoo with Chinese Character

Sanaia tattoo with Chinese Character: The Chinese translates to, “daughter.” They found out Sanaia was not their daughter. They still take care of Sanaia even though she is not their daughter.

Elephant Finds a Way

Mom RIP Tattoo

Mom RIP tattoo: Palaeoloxodon’s mom passed away when they were 19. This was their second tattoo (was not able to get a picture of first tattoo). Palaeoloxodon got this tattoo six months after mom died. Palaeoloxodon would like to get the tattoo redone. It was traumatic for Palaeoloxodon when she died.

Elephant and Calve Tattoo Elephant and Calve Tattoo

Elephant and calf Tattoo:  This tattoo is also connected to Palaeoloxodon’s mother as she loved elephants. When Palaeoloxodon’s daughter was born, Palaeoloxodon wanted to get an elephant and calf to pay homage to mom. It is a picture of Palaeoloxodon and their daughter in elephant form.

Lotus Flower Tattoo Lotus Flower Tattoo

Lotus Flower Tattoo: After Palaeoloxodon’s mother died they became heavily addicted to alcohol and drugs. Palaeoloxodon suffered with significant battle with alcoholism, until age 27 when they got sober. The flowers are lotuses. The flowers represent Palaeoloxodon growing out of the mud. The flowers are indicative that beautiful things can grow out of dark muddy times.

Friendship Kangi

Friendship Kanji. Palaeoloxodon got this tattoo with a girlfriend. The tattoo is supposed to mean friendship. Palaeoloxodon is not very close with this friend anymore. Palaeoloxodon looks at the tattoo as  part of a story, but not much else.

Superstitious not Meek

Parrot Tattoo

Parrot tattoo. Petcha’s father had a parrot on him as well. At the bottom of dad’s parrot was his initials. Petcha got this tattoo before their father died. Smith was Petcha’s name before getting married.

Coy Fish with Father Kangi Tattoo

Koi fish with father kanji tattoo. This was for Petcha’s grandfather — he liked fishing. When their grandfather died. Petcha got this tattoo. Below the fish is the kanji for father.

Lace Tattoo

Lace tattoo. When this tattoo is complete, it will look as if lace is covering Petcha’s entire leg.  There is also a cat in the lace if you look closely.

Superstitious Kanji Tattoo

Superstitious kanji tattoo. This tattoo was supposed to be the kanji for superstitious. Petcha had someone tell them in Chinese it means meek.  Petcha believes this is their first tattoo.

** Joejoe’s Note: I looked it up. I am not sure. It could be connected to the kanji for superstitious. When I learn more Chinese I may update this to confirm.

Bumble Bee Tattoo

Bumblebee tattoo. Petcha called their oldest son, “bumblebee.”

Blue Flower Stem Tattoo

Blue flower stem tattoo. Petcha’s husband drew it. Petcha liked it and got the tattoo.

Green Flower Tattoo

Green flower tattoo. Petcha’s husband also drew this one and Petcha got it.

First Insanity then Chaos Follows

Chinese Kanji for Insanity surrounded by a Chaos symbol tattoo

Chinese Kanji for Insanity surrounded by a chaos symbol tattoo. Sammy and their girlfriend at time were getting tattoos. Sammy thought the Chinese symbol for insanity would make a cool tattoo. Sammy did verify that the symbol was correct.  The first one looked small, so they decided to put something around it. The Chinese was done in San Diego. Years later, the Chaos was done in Pittsburgh.  Sammy figured chaos and insanity summed up their life.

2010 GWARbq tattoo 2012 GWARbq tattoo

2010 and 2012 GWAR B-Q tattoos. Sammy is not sure if they had one for 2011. The other years Sammy went, they were either too drunk or too grimy to get a tattoo. Sammy was going to get all of them, “but got lazy.” Sammy should have at least 4 more.

Chaos Tattoo Cory Smoot

Chaos tattoo. Cory Smoot was a guitarist for GWAR. He passed away a couple of years ago. They did a memorial show for Cory. The show was to raise money for Cory’s wife and unborn child. This was the logo Cory came up with for his solo project. They were doing these tattoos as part of the fundraiser.

Umlaut Improv Team tattoo

Umlaut Improv Team tattoo. Originally, the team was named, “Sock Monkey Murder Farm.” They had to come up with a better name. Out of a list of 200 names, Umlaut won. All of the vowels of the umlaut have the umlaut over them. All of the members of the team had the umlaut tattoo except for Greg, who did not want a tattoo. Only 4 other people that Sammy know of have this tattoo.

Dragon tattoo. In the 1990’s, Sammy got a dragon tattoo. This was because it was the 90’s and Sammy thought it would be a cool thing to do. Sammy always liked dragons. Sammy’s Chinese zodiac symbol is the dragon. Sammy now feels the tattoo is too small. Sammy stated, “It needs more stuff to it.”

Experiencing Memories and Friendships

Dragon Tattoo

Dragon tattoo. This was Usus’s first tattoo that their mother bought it for them on their 18th birthday, in Long Island, NY.

Greek Change Tattoo

Greek Change tattoo. This is the Greek symbol for change.  Usus bought this with their friend Brenda Roberts in Arlington Virginia. They got drink one night and figured they would get the “best tattoos in the world!” Usus got this tattoo. They were both making changes in their lives, and they wanted to celebrate it with tattoos.

Hindi Tattoo

Hindi Tattoo. This is Usus’s last name in Hindi spelled wrong. Hoffie is the Hindi of their last name Hoppie. Usus was drinking one day in Greenville, NC, at Sup Dogs. They were talking with an Indian guy, and asked what their last name was in Hindi. The Hindi guy said this is what it would look like. Usus went across the street, and for $20 got that scribbled on their wrist about 20 years ago.

LYYFF tattoo

LYYFF tattoo. Usus was dating a guy at the time and they got matching tattoos. They used to say to each other, “Love You, You Fucking Fucker.” Since they are not together any more, the tattoo is now means, “Loath You, You Fucking Fuckface.”

Ruined Chinese Kangi Tattoo Haughty Chinese Kangi Tattoo

Ruined and Haughty Chinese Kanji tattoo. This was from a drunken stupor in Myrtle Beach about 18 years ago. The one of the left is Ruined and the one on the right in the middle of a cover up is Haughty. Haughty like snob. The reason why they are faded is when Usus got them, Usus fell a sleep and got the sheets stuck to them. When Usus woke they snatched the sheet and pulled up the scab. Most of the ink came with it. The tattoo represents the emotions Usus was going through. Usus was in a bad place in their life. Usus said, “When you grow up, you figure stuff out.” Usus made sure all of their tattoos were easily covered with a long sleeve shirt.

initials tattoo

BMK Tattoo. Usus’s best friend is Barbara Marie Kruger. She was doing travel nursing in Spokane Washington. Usus flew up there for about 6 months. One night Usus decided to get a tattoo of their best friend. Usus put her initials on the back of their arm.

Date tattoo

Six months after the BMK tattoo, Usus got their mothers birthday, 2-15-45, tattooed on their other arm.

Dragon tattoo

Dragon tattoo. Usus got that while they were living in Rocky Mount, NC, in 1997. Usus’s mother got that for them for their 23rd or 24th birthday. There was a lot of orange in that tattoo that has since faded over time.

Tribal tattoo

“Basic white guy tribal tattoo.” Usus does not regret this tattoo. It is just a tribal tattoo that means nothing. It was on sale for $40, and Usus decided to get it.

Perry the Platypus Tattoo

Perry the Platypus tattoo. Phineas and Ferb the cartoon on Cartoon Network. About 6 months ago, a whole bunch of them went to New Orleans. Usus loves platypuses, and likes the cartoon. Usus went to a tattoo shop in the French Quarter, and said “I want a tattoo of Perry the Platypus.” This particular tattoo is on their butt.

Eye of Ri Tattoo

Eye of Ri Tattoo. Usus was in Egypt for about 3 months. It is illegal to have tattoos in Egypt. Usus had this tattoo illegally done in Cairo. Usus got it just say, “I got an illegal tattoo in Cairo!”

Buddhist Prayer Tattoo Buddhist Prayer Tattoo

Buddhist Prayer Tattoo.  this is a Buddhist prayer. Usus was living in Thailand for about 4 months. When you stay for a long time in Thailand you have to know a family. The family holds certain properties. This is basically like a tour guide. One of these people’s sons was a tattoo artist. Usus stated they wanted a tattoo. The son started doing the tattoo with the original bamboo in Usus’s hotel room. This was too much pain. The son finally got out the tattoo gun and finished it off. The symbol is Buddhist prayers. The reason they are up high is they have to be above your heart to praise Buddha. The tattoo is a protections spell. It is kind of like the Jewish Mezuzah. When you go into a dwelling, the symbols protects you in that dwelling.

Phra Phrom Tattoo

Phra Phrom Tattoo. Usus got this done in Meeting Street in right outside Jump 10 Beach. It is the street were all the tourist go. The tattoo artist had just won the award for Thailand’s best tattoo artist. He drew this tattoo freehand. Usus said they maybe paid $12 USD for this. Usus did the tattoo just to do it. Usus was experiencing the culture and the memory. Usus was getting things tattooed on their body to remind themselves of these memories.

Koi Fish tattoo Koi Fish tattoo Koi Fish tattoo

Koi Fish tattoo. Usus recently lost 227 pounds. Usus is very proud of this. Usus said, “I feel good. I look good. I am very happy. I love orange. I love Koi Fish. I love the Japanese design.” Usus said they will be making their whole arm a sleeve. It will be a fishing village. The green dragon will be covered up with a mountain scene, junkets, with a village in the back as a theme.

Strength is Needed to Change

Heart Tattoo

This is a Heart tattoo. Knossos was in a 5-year-relationship where they lost themselves. Knossos promised themselves that upon leaving, they would find real love. Knossos did this tattoo. Knossos did this not because of feeling suicidal, but because they were lost in life. Knossos had lived 5 years for a person. The tattoo was a promise that love was still there. Their heart was empty, but eventually it will be full. When Knossos does find love, they will refill it with color.

Memento Vita tattoo

Memento Vita tattoo. This tattoo means life and death. Live in the moment, because you never know when it will end. Find beauty in all things, even death. People should learn to accept death and not be afraid of it. Live well, because death is not so bad. Appreciate everything, because you never know when it’s going to end. Death happens. Knossos had been in a place where they felt like life was shitty. Knossos saw beautiful things in life. Knossos had to learn how to appreciate the beautiful things and not bring themselves to a dark place.

Cherry Blossom Tattoo

Cherry Blossom Tattoo. It was supposed to be a cherry blossom tree. A lot of Knossos’s tattoos are about change. This tattoo represents growth. It ended up getting messed up because the artist relapsed when they did it. The tattoo took an excruciating 8 hours. Knossos likes the branch on it.

Swirl Tattoo

Swirl Tattoo. This tattoo is a symbol of change. Knossos got this when they were 18 or 19 years old, when life was crazy. Knossos needed change. Every time Knossos looked at the tattoo, the tattoo reminded them, “You can never stop growing and you can always change.”

Skull with Scissors and Comb tattoo Skull with Scissors and Comb tattoo

Skull with Scissors and Comb tattoo. This represents Knossos’s craft. Knossos is a hair stylist. The mouth is a comb, but it came out a little more evil-looking than Knossos wanted. This tattoo is full of things that Knossos loves. It says Mom and Dad. Also, Knossos always liked nautical stars, and wanted a nautical star on a tattoo.

Starry Night tattoo

Starry Night tattoo. In high school, Knossos was an oil painter. This reminded Knossos of Starry Night by Van Gogh. It will eventually go up their arm — it is not completed yet.

Chinese Kanji for Strength tattoo

Chinese Kanji for Strength. This is Knossos’s very first tattoo. It was done at a neighbor’s house. “I am a strong person and I don’t give up.”

Shinshoku Tattoos

water dragon tattoo water dragon tattoo

These are mirror image tattoos. The tattoos line up with the Oni Gate. They were assigned to Professor in 1985. In 1985, Professor moved to NC. Professor was always meeting with instructors that trained in the Kroi (Ancient Style). Professor was always asking questions about the Shinto.

Professor’s second dojo was for training in traditional koru dojo. When you do this you are given the title of Shinshoku.

On July 7, 1985, Professor had progressed to the point where the Hagakaru said, “you think like us.” Professor said, “the Haga gave me the ritual and made me a Shinto Shinshoku (a shrine care taker). This from a dojo aspect, not from a public aspect. I was given a few artifacts that made the dojo koru.”

They picked this symbol because it stands for water dragon in Chinese. “I was a water fighter — very fluid, but I fought like a dragon.” Professor is not sure on why, but thought it looked cool. It is Professor’s personal Kamon, which is very much like a signature.

Professor originally had it tattooed in white, but it looked like a scar. “I did this because you could not have a tattoo as a police officer. If you look at the right one, some of it is still white.”

Honor the Family

Teresa Tattoo

Teresa Tattoo. This is Sempie’s wife’s name. Sempie’s wife has their name on her.

Karate Kanji Tattoo

Karate Kanji Tattoo. This is the Japanese kanji for empty hand. This was Sempie’s first tattoo.

Hagakure Tattoo

Hagakure Tattoo. The meaning of this is “Hidden Behind the Leaves.” This symbol is connected to a very old Japanese sect. The last Khan took the teachings of the Hagakure and almost concurred Asia. Sempie just tells everybody its the Japaneses version of the Masons.

Badge Number tattoo

332 Tattoo. Badge number when Sampie was a Police Officer in Bristol, TN.

Kempo Tattoo

Kanji for Kempo Tattoo. Sampie trains in Kempo martial arts.

Harley Davidson Shield Tattoo

Harley Davidson Shield Tattoo. Just a love Harley Davidson Motorcycles.

Tamoui Tattoo

Tamoui Tattoo. Sampie used to call it the Japanese pin wheel. This is Sampie’s Mon for the shrine. The symbol is a personal Mon for the shrine. This is Sampie’s crest that they chose. Sampie wears this symbol in 3 places.

Torii Gate tattoo

Torii Gate tattoo. This is the for the Shinto part of Kempo. The torii gate also means member of the family.

Willie G Skull tattoo

Willie G Skull tattoo. Willie G Davidson’s was one of the grandsons of the original Harley Davidson’s. Willie G was the VP of marketing at Harley Davidson’s. They call this a Willie G Skull.