Tag Archives: Martial Arts

Shinshoku Tattoos

water dragon tattoo water dragon tattoo

These are mirror image tattoos. The tattoos line up with the Oni Gate. They were assigned to Professor in 1985. In 1985, Professor moved to NC. Professor was always meeting with instructors that trained in the Kroi (Ancient Style). Professor was always asking questions about the Shinto.

Professor’s second dojo was for training in traditional koru dojo. When you do this you are given the title of Shinshoku.

On July 7, 1985, Professor had progressed to the point where the Hagakaru said, “you think like us.” Professor said, “the Haga gave me the ritual and made me a Shinto Shinshoku (a shrine care taker). This from a dojo aspect, not from a public aspect. I was given a few artifacts that made the dojo koru.”

They picked this symbol because it stands for water dragon in Chinese. “I was a water fighter — very fluid, but I fought like a dragon.” Professor is not sure on why, but thought it looked cool. It is Professor’s personal Kamon, which is very much like a signature.

Professor originally had it tattooed in white, but it looked like a scar. “I did this because you could not have a tattoo as a police officer. If you look at the right one, some of it is still white.”

Honor the Family

Teresa Tattoo

Teresa Tattoo. This is Sempie’s wife’s name. Sempie’s wife has their name on her.

Karate Kanji Tattoo

Karate Kanji Tattoo. This is the Japanese kanji for empty hand. This was Sempie’s first tattoo.

Hagakure Tattoo

Hagakure Tattoo. The meaning of this is “Hidden Behind the Leaves.” This symbol is connected to a very old Japanese sect. The last Khan took the teachings of the Hagakure and almost concurred Asia. Sempie just tells everybody its the Japaneses version of the Masons.

Badge Number tattoo

332 Tattoo. Badge number when Sampie was a Police Officer in Bristol, TN.

Kempo Tattoo

Kanji for Kempo Tattoo. Sampie trains in Kempo martial arts.

Harley Davidson Shield Tattoo

Harley Davidson Shield Tattoo. Just a love Harley Davidson Motorcycles.

Tamoui Tattoo

Tamoui Tattoo. Sampie used to call it the Japanese pin wheel. This is Sampie’s Mon for the shrine. The symbol is a personal Mon for the shrine. This is Sampie’s crest that they chose. Sampie wears this symbol in 3 places.

Torii Gate tattoo

Torii Gate tattoo. This is the for the Shinto part of Kempo. The torii gate also means member of the family.

Willie G Skull tattoo

Willie G Skull tattoo. Willie G Davidson’s was one of the grandsons of the original Harley Davidson’s. Willie G was the VP of marketing at Harley Davidson’s. They call this a Willie G Skull.