Tag Archives: partner tattoos

Pending Balance

Nautical Star Tattoo

Nautical Star tattoo: This was Slinger’s first tattoo and it was a cover-up.  Slinger had two dots there and would put cocaine on the dots. Slinger ended that time and did not want to show this anymore. Slinger got the star to cover the dots up. This tattoo stopped Slinger from being able to join the Coast Guard.

Memorial Cross Tattoo

Memorial Cross tattoo:  This is dedicated to Slinger’s grandpa. He passed away from cancer and Slinger wanted to do something for him.

Moon Tattoo

Moon tattoo: Slinger met a girl and on the first date they decided to get matching tattoos in the same spot. They are no longer dating, but Slinger still knows her.

The next group of tattoos is a work in progress. The demons and skulls on one side, and the hope and cross on the other. Slinger stated it is for the good side and the bad side. It will one day meet together in their chest. Slinger says it is currently unbalanced.

Demon Head Tattoo Demon Head Tattoo

Demon Head tattoo: This is a cover-up tattoo. In the black part was Slingers high school girlfriend’s name. Slinger’s brother did this tattoo and the skull tattoo.

Skull with Flower Tattoo Skull with Flower Tattoo

Skull with Flower tattoo: Slinger was going through some bad stuff. This tattoo is to represent that time.

Hope TattooCross Tattoo

Hope tattoo and Cross tattoo. This is connected to the good side.


Insane Gump

Insane Clown Posse Tattoo

Insane Clown Posse tattoo: They got the tattoo in memory of one of their best friends that passed away in Afghanistan. The friend had the same tattoo in his arm. If it was not for this friend they would not have gotten into Insane Clown Posse. They grew up together in middle and high school. While they were waiting to get the tattoo, they noticed that Forest Gump was on TV. Every time their friend was at a party or got drunk, he wanted to watch Forest Gump. It was his favorite scene that was playing. Then they knew the friend knew they were getting this tattoo. The friend was also giving them shit, because they did not change the color on anything on the tattoo.

Family Can Go Far

Shooting Star Tattoo

Shooting Star tattoo: This is Marin’s first tattoo. Marin got this tattoo in two phases during nursing school. Marin got the star in junior year, and the tails in senor year. It was an ongoing thing. Meliponini would say, “You can do this; you can go above and beyond.” This was because nursing school was hard.

Stars Tattoo

Stars tattoo. This was their second tattoo. Marin got this one for their dad who passed when they were thirteen. They were really into astronomy together. Marin still has a pair of his binoculars. He would wake Marin up in the middle of the night for a meteor shower. They would go out and sit on the deck and watch the stars. They would go to shuttle launches. Marin got these stars in honor of him.

Crest of Hyrule Tattoo

Crest of Hyrule tattoo: This tattoo is from the video game series, Legend of Zelda. After Marin’s dad died, Marin’s mom decided drinking was a good coping mechanism. Marin and their brother started playing Ocarina of Time. He and Marin both have the same tattoo. It was a game that got them through a hard time in their lives. They decided to this get this symbol as a show of strength. They persevered through that time together.

Love One Another Tattoo

Love One Another tattoo. Marin got this tattoo for their mom. She died when Marin was fourteen. Marin’s mom was the most loving people Marin has ever known. She taught Marin how to care for people and instilled that into Marin. Marin wanted something to remember her by that spoke to who she was as a person.

Circling a Bar

Yoga OM Tattoo

Yoga OM tattoo: this was their first tattoo. The OM on Iona’s foot. The foot is the most painful place to get a tattoo. Iona figured, let’s just start there. Iona really wanted a tattoo. This tattoo’s meaning is everything is part of both the beginning & the end, and everything is connected.

Feathers Tattoo

Feathers tattoo: Iona’s mom is Native American and figured this was good homage her. Iona’s dad is black but they haven’t figure out how to pay homage to that, yet.

Arsonist's Lullabye All You Have Is You Fire Tattoo

Arsonist’s Lullabye tattoo: The tattoo says “All You Have Is Your Fire.” Iona got this the day after they told their partner to hit the bricks. Iona had dreams, visions, and goals of creating this place (Revival 1869). Lona’s ex had dreams and visions of them being the house homely kind. This was not Lona’s jam. The quote is from Arsonist’s Lullabye. The lyrics are: All you have is your fire

And the place you need to reach
Don’t you ever tame your demons
But always keep ’em on a leash

Day of the Dead Sugar Skull Tattoo Day of the Dead Sugar Skull Tattoo Day of the Dead Sugar Skull Tattoo

Day of the Dead Sugar Skull tattoo: This is something Lona thought was really beautiful. A way to pay homage to death but also beautiful. Right now the tattoo is all in black. Lona is an artist who paints. When the tattoo is filled in with color, the tattoo will be a neo-traditional color on top and bleed into water colors. The far right is a paint brush for the artist side of Lona, and a Japaneses bar spoon because they are also a bartender. On the left is the Revival 1869 RND Logo. Lona is part-owner of this bar. After they were open for a year, they planned on getting a tattoo to commemorate opening the bar. They were always busy so it ended up being a year and a half. Both of the bar’s owners got their tattoos on the same day.


Promises a Myth

La Dispute Wildlife Tattoo

La Dispute Wildlife tattoo: Pohjola got this tattoo when they were I8.  Pohjola was really into the band La Dispute at the time. High school was pretty hard for Pohjola. La Dispute had an album called Wildlife that really resonated with them. The album really helped Pohjola get through this time. Pohjola got this as homage to the Wildlife album. La Dispute has a flower that is the band logo. Pohjola feels the flower is what everybody gets, and wanted to do something a little bit different.

Shark with Laser Tattoo

Shark with Laser tattoo: Pohjola really likes sharks. Sharks are Pohjola’s favorite animal, and have always been their favorite animal. Austin Powers was a movie Pohjola watched with their sisters growing up.  Pohjola’s friend Tony had drawn out the tattoo. Pohjola told Tony “I need that tattoo.” Tony did not have it drawn for Pohjola, but inadvertently it was drawn for Pohjola.

Pinky Promise Tattoo

Pinky Promise tattoo: In collage Pohjola met their best friend Kate. They kind of met out of happenstance, but lived together the majority of college. Kate came from Winston-Salem; Pohjola was coming from Clayton. They knew that when college ended they would be going their separate ways. They have a good bond. They wanted to document the bond. It was Kate’s first tattoo. Pohjola was honored that Kate wanted to get her first tattoo with them. Kate has an exact tattoo like this in the exact same spot. They call them their ‘bro tats. It was a pinky promise. Pohjola stated “We are not always going to be next to each other, and may not have time to talk every day, but this is a reminder that I am with you and I will be there for you when you really need me to be there for you.”

Elk of Hiisi Tattoo

Elk of Hiisi tattoo: This is currently Pohjola favorite for their story tattoos. All Pohjola life they want to get mythical creatures. Pohjola’s family is from Finland. The Finish have an epic creation story called the Kalevala. The Kalevala has all these characters and creatures and one of them is called the Elk of Hiisi. That was want Pohjola wanted because they felt like it had the coolest story. Pohjola is big into metal. The Elk of Hiisi was created by the Goblin King Hiisi. Hiisi wanted this creature to help him kidnap kids. Hiisi created this creature out of moss, sticks, and rocks. Hiisi then brought the elk to life in a ceremonial ritual. Pohjola stated “The story may seems kind of dark but I thought it was a neat story”.  Pohjola and their sisters all wanted to get a tattoo that demonstrates that part of their heritage. Pohjola wanted to get a tattoo that makes people want to ask about it. There is a fun part of having stories. Pohjola likes having tattoos because it gets people to talk to them.

Godzilla Tattoo

Godzilla Tattoo: Pohjola already had the shark with the laser beam tattoo. Pohjola was in Wilmington, and was visiting their boyfriend. Pohjola was scrolling through Instagram. Tony posted this was up for grabs and anybody can have it. Pohjola said “I have a shark with laser beams. This is a dino with laser eyes. I have to have this tattoo”. Pohjola messaged Tony and let him know they really wanted the tattoo. Pohjola was there until Sunday and asked Tony if they could be squeezed in. Tony said one guy wanted it before Pohjola. Tony had to ask him. The guys said Pohjola could have it. Pohjola went in Sunday at 7pm and had to drive back to Clayton really late. Pohjola said “It was fine. I was the winner and I got the laser beam T Rex.”


A Key to the Sun and Moon

Spade Tattoo

Spade tattoo. This was Durin’s first tattoo. Durin got the tattoo in New York with their best friend. They were on the L train, and decided to get tattoos at the spur of the moment. Durin’s friend got a club tattoo. Durin got a spade. Durin really likes spades. One of their meanings s the first leaf of the tree of Yggdrasil, the tree of life. Another meaning is associated with the earth goddess Gaia, as a shovel. Because of these meanings Durin feels really connected to spades.

Key Tattoo

Key tattoo. This was Durin’s second tattoo. It was a stick and poke that Durin’s friend Ted did. Durin really liked this tattoo. Durin has always loved keys ever since they were a kid. Durin is also ironically really bad at opening things.

Triple Goddess Tattoo

Triple Goddess Tattoo. Durin felt this tattoo paired really well with their key tattoo. Durin got this tattoo shortly after getting the key tattoo. It kind of feels like the key is opening the moon. That or a very veiled Lord of the Rings reference. This would be like in the Hobbit when the moon shines on the key hole. Durin also really loves the triple goddess. Durin is obsessed with the moon and has a really strong connection with the moon. The triple goddess also symbolizes the maiden, the mother, and the crone. These are kind of archetypes that you see cross-culturally. Durin really loves mythology, and earth goddess symbology.

Sunflower Heart Tattoo Sunflower Heart Tattoo

Sunflower Heart tattoo. This is an anatomical heart. Durin purposefully got the heart in grayscale. Durin has had a lot of struggles with grief and depression. The tattoo is a symbol of rebirth and death. Durin’s mom passed when they were 10. Their mom’s favorite flowers were sunflowers. The tattoo is a symbol of grief, but also new life coming out of that grief. The tattoo is of a moon flower. Durin loves the dichotomy of the sun and moon. Durin plans on growing sunflowers and moon flowers in their garden.

Painful Friendships

Rose Tattoo

Rose tattoo. This was Kunórodon’s first tattoo. It started as a small rose with a butterfly at the top. It was just some crap they pulled off the wall. Kunórodon was like “I am going to do this.” Kunórodon was terrified of needles. Kunórodon’s ex was holding their hand during the process. Kunórodon remembers it feeling like somebody hit the mute button. Kunórodon’s ex was talking to them, but they could not hear their ex speak. Then it hit Kunórodon and they were like “stop I don’t know what is going on.” The artist was very nonchalant. The artist tapped them and said, “it’s ok, it’s just your body going into shock.” Kunórodon then threw up.

Under the single rose is a tattoo that once said, “JACS.” It stood for 4 friend’s names. They  went to high school together, and went through their early 20’s together. Then, they had a falling out. The color for the tattoo also started to fall out. Kunórodon felt they wanted to expand and change the tattoo. Kunórodon did four roses with lots of thorns to represent the beauty and the pain that comes with friendship.

Rose Tattoo

Rose tattoo. This started as a rose from a t-shirt a friend had purchased for them when Kunórodon was 14. Kunórodon was broke, and their parents would not have anything to do with them. Kunórodon had no clothes so a friend bought them a shirt with this rose on it. The tattoo used to have her son’s name in it. They decided it was inappropriate to have son’s name in that location on their body and so they got the name covered up.

Domino Tattoo

Domino tattoo. Kunórodon and their ex got this matching tattoo on their 5th anniversary. The pieces add up to 5.

Never Broken Tattoo

Never Broken tattoo. Their marriage dissolved a year later. Kunórodon got into an abusive relationship. Kunórodon’s partner ended up trying to kill them. Kunórodon moved in with their brother. He gave Kunórodon money to get a tattoo. Kunórodon got a tattoo that said “never broken” because all though this person tried their best. Kunórodon is still a very strong spirit.The tattoo is on Kunórodon’s wrist. 1 Year and 11 months after getting it, Kunórodon broke their wrist.

Wesley in Norse Runes Tattoo

Wesley spelled out in Norse Runes. Wesley is Kunórodon’s son’s name. Kunórodon got this one and the cover up of his name in the rose concurrently.

Deathly Hollows Tattoo

Deathly Hollows Tattoo. It is a Harry Potter tattoo and it represents The Deadly Hollows. Kunórodon loves the series. Kunórodon loves what the symbol represents: Equality and Acceptance. It means a lot to Kunórodon.

Daisy Tattoo

Daisy tattoo. This tattoo is a work in progress. It did not heal properly. Kunórodon had a really close friend out in Colorado Springs who was a third generation Mexican. Very big into motorcycles. He was a phenomenal person. Earlier this year he was struck while on his motorcycle. He was pinned under the vehicle for 5 hours before he passed away. Kunórodon got the phone call 2 a.m. Kunórodon called a friend over who is a witch. She is an angel of death, an EMS person who helps people pass on. She has that connectivity, that energy. Kunórodon told her what was going on that she had to come and light the fire. She comes we do a blessing over the fire. Within 10 minutes of her being present, he shows himself. He is in the form of the “happy now cry later” mask. He was floating in front of her taunting her in his playful loving manor, trying to get a rise out of her. He did not even know Kunórodon was there yet. Kunórodon started chuckling saying hey he is present. At that point he lifts the mask and his energy shifted towards Kunórodon. He sees Kunórodon’s sorrow, and presents himself in the form of a daisy with bright yellow colors. He said, “you have blow me away, you have to say goodbye. With every exhale you will blow your sorrow away.” Kunórodon did it and it took two breaths. Kunórodon watched the petals float away in the wind. The tattoo of the daisy is Kunórodon’s memory of him, and they are going to carry that with them forever.

Infinity tattoo

Infinity tattoo. This is a shared tattoo with two other friends. It means friends forever. We each picked a different area on were to have it tattooed. Kunórodon thought it would be a simple one line infinity. Kunórodon was the last one to get the tattoo. Kunórodon was also the worst one to get the tattoo. Where Kunórodon got the tattoo has a lot of nerves for them. It was incredibly uncomfortable. My partner at the time had to sit on me. At one point Kunórodon’s body was reacting so severely. The artist had to stop because he was laughing so hard. This was due to the fact that Kunórodon’s toes had cramped up so bad they were throwing up West Side gang signs. The ink fell out on quite a few spots so Kunórodon had to go back and get it touched up. The original artist was not present his friend was. The new artist did not know what he was doing. That is why there is a crazy gray line around the whole thing. What makes it funny is Kunórodon’s friend had to lay on Kunórodon this time. Kunórodon’s friend was laying on them so hard they thought they were going to bruise them.

Love Endorse Norse Runes Tattoo

Love Endorse Norse Runes Tattoo. Myrmidon’s partner has the same tattoo. The tattoos spells out “love endorse” using the Elder Furthark. It was found from a pendant. The pendant was found in ancient times with a couple embracing. They wanted it because it symbolizes the trials and tribulations from their past relationships. They both look forward to having love in their lives. Its a good mantra to have for any married couple. Love endorse no matter what your doing.

Myrmidon’s True North

Cross Of Lorraine Tattoo

Cross Of Lorraine tattoo. A symbol Myrmidon used for the last military unit they were in. Myrmidon was in special forces as a warrant officer. Myrmidon’s unit was in the ground invasion and also carried on missions in Iraq. Myrmidon’s unit wanted an emblem to rally behind. The symbol is called the “Cross Of Lorraine” and it has a skill on top.  This was Myrmidon’s first tattoo.

Ægishjálmrm (Helm of Awe) Tattoo Norse Compass Tattoo

Ægishjálmrm (Helm of Awe) and Norse Compass Tattoos. The Helm of Awe is the protection against evil. The other is a compass, some say to true north. It will help point you to the true way you need to go.

Valknut Tattoo

Valknut Tattoo.  This is for Odin’s Slain.

Trojan Horse Tattoo

Trojan Horse tattoo. This is the tattoo for the unit Myrmidon was in for the majority of their military career: Tenth Special Forces Group. The Trojan Horse was their symbol. The green background denotes the special forces, and each group has a different color background.

Love Endorse Norse Runes Tattoo

Love Endorse Norse Runes tattoo. Myrmidon’s partner has the same tattoo. The tattoos spells out Love Endures using the Elder Furthark. It was found from a pendant. The pendant was found in ancient times with a couple embracing. They wanted it because it symbolizes the trials and tribulations from their past relationships. They both look forward to having true love in their lives. It’s a good mantra to have for any married couple. Love Endures, no matter what else happens in your lives.

The Owls Watch and the Bat Flies

Owl Tattoo

Owl tattoo. Chapin’s first tattoo. Chapin wanted a tattoo at age 18. Chapin’s mom said that if they were going to get a tattoo, Chapin should make sure they don’t react poorly to the ink, as they have super sensitive skin. Chapin also need something that could be easily hidden for work. At the time, Chapin was working corporate jobs, “no tattoos, no dyed hair, no originality, whatsoever.” This tattoo could easily be hidden with hair. It’s an owl in the shape of a heart. Chapin got this particular tattoo, “because I am unoriginal. I found it online and thought it was cute.”

Clock Owl Tattoo

Clock Owl tattoo. Chapin drew this tattoo for their nanna. Chapin’s nanna had a bunch of owl statues all over her house, and was obsessed with owls. Chapin’s nanna died at 7:20 which is why the clock is at 7:20. Chapin is not super happy with the tattoo, and plans on having it covered up and then redone on the other side of their arm. Chapin’s mom also has this tattoo.

Semicolon Tattoo

Semicolon tattoo. This tattoo is for Chapin’s metal health. The semicolon is what a writer will use to pause a sentence when they could have used a period to end it. The semicolon symbolizing keeping going when you could stop.

Scythe Tattoo

Scythe tattoo. This is a Friday the 13th tattoo. Chapin’s dad has the grim reaper on his arm. That is why Chapin got the scythe — to connect to their dad.

Planchet Tattoo

Planchet tattoo. Just a Friday the 13th tattoo. Simple flash art they had at the tattoo shop.

Portal Tattoo

Portal tattoo. This is from the video game, Portal. Chapin and their ex were obsessed with this game. Chapin’s ex got the matching orange Portal. Chapin’s brother is going to get the orange Portal when he is old enough. This is so Chapin can connect it with brother’s tattoo and not the ex.

Script Tattoo

Script tattoo. This tattoo says, “I love you more than I did yesterday and less then I will tomorrow.” Chapin got that with their ex-fiance. Chapin stated, “Don’t get matching tattoos.” They wanted to get matching tattoos and just looked up quotes about love for this tattoo.

Bat Script Tattoo

Bat Script tattoo. Bat tattoo on head with purple and green smoke. The banner behind it says, ” I am my own.” Chapin had a Mohawk last year and was getting tired of it. Chapin just wanted a full head of hair again. They decided to shave the Mohawk off and start anew. They did not want to deal with the growing out process with their hair. Chapin got told, “don’t shave your head or you wont be pretty anymore.” One person said, “Don’t shave your head I wont want to f*ck you anymore” in front of their fiancé. Chapin was having a pretty shitty night. In a fit, Chapin shaved their head. Chapin stated, “You won’t tell me I’m not beautiful.” That is why the banner says, “I am my own.” Chapin stated, “Only I can decide how I feel about myself. I cannot let other people decide how I feel about myself.” Chapin got the bat because they are obsessed with bats. The bat has the purple and green smoke behind it. Chapin’s fiancé and best friend have a production company together called “Love Skull,” and the theme colors are black, purple and green, so that influenced the colors in this tattoo.

Tattoo Artist Shows First Rose

Rose Tattoo by Jorge at The Focus Tattoo Parlour

Rose tattoo. This was the first tattoo that Jorge ever did on human skin. For their first tattoo, Jorge tattooed a girl who had graduated from the same mentor. She did her second tattoo on Jorge. The promise was this: Jorge would do their first tattoo on her. The night before, Jorge consumed a 2-for-1 drink special at Chili’s. Jorge thought if they do it on themselves and it looks ok, Jorge won’t mess her up to bad. Jorge left Chili’s, went to the shop, and did the rose on themselves, and then tattooed her the next morning. They have matching tattoos.

Jorge is a tattoo artist at The Focus Tattoo Parlour in Warrenton, NC.