Tag Archives: tattoos

A Bee Can See Hope

Cross Tattoo

Cross tattoo: This tattoo was Meliponini’s first. Meliponini got it on their dad’s birthday. Meliponini was afraid of needles. After this tattoo, they are no longer afraid of needles.

Meliponini thinks they did the cliche thing after a person gets raped. Meliponini got a lot of these tattoos after being raped. Meliponini stated that good stuff comes from even the bad stuff.

This tattoo did not hurt. Meliponini had always wanted a cross tattoo because they believe in and love Jesus.

Lorax Unless Tattoo

Lorax Unless tattoo: The tattoo is of the Truffula tree from the Lorax. It says Unless, because “Unless we care a whole awful lot it’s not going to get better.” It’s a Dr Seuss quote. Meliponini loves the environment, and wants people to care about the environment. Meliponini also thought the tattoo was cute.

Bee Tattoo

Bee tattoo: Meliponini studied bees in school. Like the Lorax, Meliponini likes to say “I speak for the bees.” Bees are declining so Meliponini got this tattoo.

"you are loved" Arrow Tattoo "you are loved" Arrow Tattoo "you are loved" Arrow Tattoo

“You are Loved” arrow tattoo: It is supposed to be an arrow but lots of people think it’s an acute angle. It’s an arrow pointing to somebody, but it’s not supposed to point to Meliponini. It’s supposed to point to everyone else. In the five most common languages, it reads, “You are loved.” The languages include: Arabic, Chinese Mandarin, English, Spanish, and Hindi. Meliponini read somewhere that people are more likely to commit suicide if they don’t feel loved. There was a story of a person who was going to kill themselves and someone smiled at them so they didn’t kill themselves. Meliponini thought that if somebody reads this tattoo, they might feel loved. Meliponini thinks love is the most important thing. That is why Meliponini got it in the five most common languages, so most people could read it.

Mushrooms Tattoo

Mushrooms tattoo: Meliponini got this tattoo because mushrooms are delicious. Meliponini works with mushrooms, because they can be bad as a pests. Meliponini had a beautiful experience on psychedelic mushrooms: they were praying and god answered Meliponini through the TV. It was not a hallucination it was the TV answering with words. I would ask my friends if the TV said that, they would say, “yes.” Meliponini said, “It was like seeing nature outside of yourself and not being so focused on yourself.”

Hot Air Balloon Tattoo

Hot Air Balloon and the Wind tattoo: Meliponini got this because they love hot air balloons. Meliponini has this romantic idea that they will get married and then jump into a hot air balloon and float away. Meliponini said it’s hopes, dreams, positivity, and uplifting. Meliponini designed this tattoo.

Cross and Dove Tattoo

Cross and Dove tattoo: Meliponini got this tattoo to accompany the small cross. Meliponini wanted to have a bigger cross. Meliponini designed this at age15. Meliponini’s father was going to get this tattoo but he said he got too old. His would have an eagle, but he decided not to. In Meliponini life, Jesus is important. The cross is for Jesus. Then there is a black line that connects the dove. In the bible it says the holy spirit will descend on the people like a dove. Meliponini’s life is this kind of the line in that some blackness can happen. The holy spirit is guiding Meliponini and turning the blackness into light. It really important to Meliponini that, “if you think of something greater then yourself you can be there for other people.” Meliponini designed this tattoo.

"Thank you for all that you are and all that you do" Tattoo "Thank you for all that you are and all that you do" Tattoo "Thank you for all that you are and all that you do" Tattoo

“Thank you for all that you are and all that you do” tattoo: This tattoo is a prayer Meliponini says to god everyday. The day after Meliponini was raped, they had to teach people about bees. In the morning Meliponini was at the arboretum in Raleigh. Meliponini heard wind chimes and looked up it said, “Thank you for all that you are and all that you do.” Meliponini thought that was god reaching out  saying it’s going to be ok. Even though it happened Meliponini feels that it changed their life in a good way. Meliponini feels blessed they had the opportunity to see the wind chimes. So Meliponini got this tattoo.

Sun Flower Tattoo Sun Flower and Bee Tattoo

Sunflower tattoo: Meliponini thought the bee tattoo needed food. Now Meliponini can raise their arm and lower it. The bee can sit on the flower and then fly away. It is like an adult toy that Meliponini always have with them. Meliponini designed this tattoo.

Meliponini got all of their tattoos from Red Leaf in Cary by the artist, Lee.

Meliponini stated that all their tattoos are religious. Meliponini loves god and Jesus. Meliponini was reading the bible the other day and read the part that should not get tattoos. However, Meliponini believes the new testament washes away the old. Even though Meliponini thought they were doing something good, it might not necessarily be good. Meliponini questioned, “am I tattooing myself for me or for god?” Meliponini decided, “It was a reminder that god uses everything for good… all things work in unity for those who believe.”


No Huginn

Bind Rune Tombstone Tattoo

Bind Rune Tombstone tattoo: Esquirel was in basic training in 2006. Esquirel’s partner sent them a book on runes. As Esquirel was going through they read about bind runes. Esquirel decided they needed a bind rune. That night this popped up. The rune picked Esquirel.

Muninn Tattoo

Muninn tattoo: Esquirel got a raven on their back. Esquirel’s partner added a bit of flair to it. Esquirel went to a tattoo artist and got it done.

Gungnir Odin's Spear Tattoo

Gungnir Odin’s Spear tattoo: The tattoo is of Gungnir, Odin’s spear. It is surrounded by Geri and Freki, Odins’s two wolves. In the middle is has Sly Fox written in old Norse. Esquirel’s partner doctored it up to make it look a little cooler and got it done.

Ratatoskr Tattoo Ratatoskr Tattoo

Ratatoskr tattoo: Ratatoskr is the squirrel that runes up and down the world tree talking smack to the eagle at the top, and the dragon at the bottom. People have been calling Esquirel squirrel for the last 20 years. Esquirel had to have a squirrel tattoo. Esquirel put the world tree bind rune in the tattoo as well.

True Dream of Peace

Arrow Head, Tiwaz, Dream Catcher Tattoo

Arrowhead, Tiwaz, and dream catcher tattoo. The first tattoo was the arrowhead by itself. The arrowhead has the Germanic rune for Tyr in the center. It has Hikyuu’s Kung Fu family name, Pi, at the top. The symbol could be translated to White Warrior. Hikyuu wanted to get this tattoo since a very young age. A few years after getting the arrowhead, Hikyuu got the dream catcher around the arrow head with two eagle feathers coming down. That addition completed the tattoo. The tattoo is like Hikyuu’s dreams and reality; they are all caught in there. Hikyuu believes it catches things as they come through.

Green Peace Tattoo
Greenpeace tattoo: The tattoo is a blue-green sun. This is for the colors of the ocean. Hikyuu then got the peace sign in the middle of the sun. The peace sign is also the Germanic rune for Algiz. Algiz is an elk standing in the middle of the field keeping watch, and always being protective. It is Hikyuu’s way of always being able to look down and remember, “you are after protection and peace.”

First Protect then Focus

Veve of Papa Legba Tattoo

Veve of Papa Legba tattoo: This is Ironclown‘s first tattoo. This veve is from the Vudon tradition. The veve is for the loha of Papa Legba which is a crossroads deity. Legba showed up in Ironclown’s dreams when they were young, before they even knew what Vodon was or who Legba was. Ironclown eventually started picking the meaning up later in their research and different pagan traditions. It is their patron deity that Ironclown works with to this day.

Most of the tattoos Ironclown has are either protective or good-luck-based. Before Ironclown got into any of the pagan traditions that they work with now, Ironclown was Catholic. Ironclown was terrified of ghosts, spirits, and anything else which was reinforced by the church to be afraid of. The first thing Ironclown wanted to do was protect themselves from ghosts, and various things.

Kabbalah Medallion Tattoo Kabbalah Medallion Tattoo

Kabbalah Medallion tattoos: These two tattoos are from a medallion. Specifically a gold medallion which Ironclown cannot afford. The symbols are high magic from the Kabbalah. Everything in Hebrew are names of gods: Tetragrammaton, Adonaï, or Elohim. All of the names can be worked with in pieces. The medallion is meant to work by protecting from various evils, banes, and mischief. When looking at the square tattoo in any direction all the way across, it is a different name for Yahweh. Ironclown thinks there are over 99 names for Yahweh in the Kabbalah.

The tattoo on the left, below the medallion, are geomantic symbols for the planet Venus. Venus is Ironclown’s ruling sign. Ironclown is a Libra. The symbol is a draw for magic work.

Abracadabra Tattoo

Abracadabra tattoo: Abracadabra is not protective, it more to get rid of an immediate problems. Abra means Holy. Cad is one of the names of god. Abracadabra translates to holy god holy. What to do is if you have a hangover, or can’t find your keys, focus on that problem and say Abracadabra, then keep subtracting the last letter until there are no more letters left and the problem should be gone.

Solve Coagula tattoo Solve Coagula tattoo

Solve Coagula tattoo: Solve Coagula is what can be found on most pictures of Baphomet. It is Latin. It translates roughly to take apart and put back together, again.

Seal of Solomon , Triskele solar crosses, Ankh, Vodon power signs, Pentragam

Protective Tattoo. Most of these symbols are protective in nature:
The Seal of Solomon is protective in nature.
The Triskele solar crosses are protective in various cultures.
The Ankh is not protective. It is a symbol of long life or eternal life.
The smaller signs that are close to the center are Vodon power signs. That are meant for energizing other symbols, and would be used as a focus.
The Pentagram is surrounded by Hebrew letters at each point for the elements of: air fire water earth, and  spirit.

Magic Square Tattoo

Magic Square tattoo: A lot of these tattoos deal with planetary symbols. All of the numbers add up to Ironclown’s birthday. The numbers all add up to the same number around each side. To make one the person will need to really like themselves enough. The box accentuates everything about the person. This includes the stuff they don’t like. If person can handle a lot of themselves it will work out. A recommended book on this theme is called “The Magus.”

Algiz Rune Tattoo

Algiz Rune: This rune is for protection.

Latin Pentagram Tattoo

Latin Pentagram tattoo: This symbol is usually put into a ring. This tattoo is also protective, but this is more for biological protection. Energize this symbol to help.

Bo Sho Tattoo Bo Sho Tattoo

Bo Sho tattoo: The entire block is called a “Bo Sho.” Bo is one hundred and Sho is the word for long life. When China was just warring territories, the quickest way to show power was to change the way the language looked, but not the way it sounded. With that Sho can be written over a hundred different ways. This is a good luck charm that could be carved it on things and given as a gift for 100 long lives.

tibetan buddhist mudra Give Me Refuge tattoo

Tibetan Buddhist Mudra tattoo: This is Tibetan Buddhist mudra for “give me refuge.” Most mudras are a focus points when meditating. The one for protection is an open palm.

Reiki Symbol Tattoo

Reiki Symbol tattoo: In energy work, this symbol means god is here. It could be used a way to energize something.

Comanche Tattoo Comanche Tattoo Comanche Tattoo

Comanche tattoo: Ironclown is part Comanche on their fathers side, and they wanted something to represent that part of their life.

Magic Eye Tattoo

Magic Eye tattoo: Ironclown thinks eyes are excellent magical tools. This one Ironclown uses as a focus to do physic work or tarot readings.

Elephant Finds a Way

Mom RIP Tattoo

Mom RIP tattoo: Palaeoloxodon’s mom passed away when they were 19. This was their second tattoo (was not able to get a picture of first tattoo). Palaeoloxodon got this tattoo six months after mom died. Palaeoloxodon would like to get the tattoo redone. It was traumatic for Palaeoloxodon when she died.

Elephant and Calve Tattoo Elephant and Calve Tattoo

Elephant and calf Tattoo:  This tattoo is also connected to Palaeoloxodon’s mother as she loved elephants. When Palaeoloxodon’s daughter was born, Palaeoloxodon wanted to get an elephant and calf to pay homage to mom. It is a picture of Palaeoloxodon and their daughter in elephant form.

Lotus Flower Tattoo Lotus Flower Tattoo

Lotus Flower Tattoo: After Palaeoloxodon’s mother died they became heavily addicted to alcohol and drugs. Palaeoloxodon suffered with significant battle with alcoholism, until age 27 when they got sober. The flowers are lotuses. The flowers represent Palaeoloxodon growing out of the mud. The flowers are indicative that beautiful things can grow out of dark muddy times.

Friendship Kangi

Friendship Kanji. Palaeoloxodon got this tattoo with a girlfriend. The tattoo is supposed to mean friendship. Palaeoloxodon is not very close with this friend anymore. Palaeoloxodon looks at the tattoo as  part of a story, but not much else.

Circling a Bar

Yoga OM Tattoo

Yoga OM tattoo: this was their first tattoo. The OM on Iona’s foot. The foot is the most painful place to get a tattoo. Iona figured, let’s just start there. Iona really wanted a tattoo. This tattoo’s meaning is everything is part of both the beginning & the end, and everything is connected.

Feathers Tattoo

Feathers tattoo: Iona’s mom is Native American and figured this was good homage her. Iona’s dad is black but they haven’t figure out how to pay homage to that, yet.

Arsonist's Lullabye All You Have Is You Fire Tattoo

Arsonist’s Lullabye tattoo: The tattoo says “All You Have Is Your Fire.” Iona got this the day after they told their partner to hit the bricks. Iona had dreams, visions, and goals of creating this place (Revival 1869). Lona’s ex had dreams and visions of them being the house homely kind. This was not Lona’s jam. The quote is from Arsonist’s Lullabye. The lyrics are: All you have is your fire

And the place you need to reach
Don’t you ever tame your demons
But always keep ’em on a leash

Day of the Dead Sugar Skull Tattoo Day of the Dead Sugar Skull Tattoo Day of the Dead Sugar Skull Tattoo

Day of the Dead Sugar Skull tattoo: This is something Lona thought was really beautiful. A way to pay homage to death but also beautiful. Right now the tattoo is all in black. Lona is an artist who paints. When the tattoo is filled in with color, the tattoo will be a neo-traditional color on top and bleed into water colors. The far right is a paint brush for the artist side of Lona, and a Japaneses bar spoon because they are also a bartender. On the left is the Revival 1869 RND Logo. Lona is part-owner of this bar. After they were open for a year, they planned on getting a tattoo to commemorate opening the bar. They were always busy so it ended up being a year and a half. Both of the bar’s owners got their tattoos on the same day.


Hiding an Imperialist

Trash Arm Tattoo Trash Arm Tattoo Trash Arm Tattoo Trash Arm Tattoo Trash Arm Tattoo

Trash Arm tattoo: One of Nekt’s first jobs was at a tattoo shop. Nekt wanted to be a tattoo artist. The first job they gave Nekt was cleaning floors, and being a guinea pig for test artwork. The bird was most likely the first tattoo. Then they did the cloud outlines and the sun. The artist that was doing this tattoo left town. Nekt was stuck with an unfinished arm. Nekt went to another tattoo artist and asked how this could be covered up. The artist asked what Nekt’s favorite comic book was, at the time it was The Darkness. They decided to cover it up with dark daemons and lots of black. The artist did the outline and a week later skipped town. Nekt is now two crappy tattoos deep, and can’t do anything about it. Nekt has not changed the tattoo in more than 20 years. Nekt is waiting for someone to come along and say, “I can fix that,” or “I can make that something.”

Gumby Tattoo

Gumby tattoo: Nekt was in a band called, Slow Children. This was the band’s mascot, Special Ed. Special Ed was on both arms. Nekt was going to get them both covered up. This one looked better so it was kept. Being a poor starving artist, Nekt never got this one covered up.

Captain America Tattoo

Captain America tattoo: This is a cover up of the matching Gumby tattoo that was mentioned above. This one did not look as good so it went first. Eventually, Nekt will get black all the way up their arm, if they can’t find someone fix this.

Finger Eleven Tattoo

Finger Eleven tattoo: Nekt was a really big fan of Finger Eleven’s first two albums. Finger Eleven came out with a third album. The art was this menagerie of faces, eyes, ears, arms, and just gross. Nekt loved it and put it on their body. The third album sucked. It was the worst album ever. Nekt now has a permanent reminder of, “don’t put something on your body before you have heard the music.”

Hada Alaskan Indian Tribal Tattoo Hada Alaskan Indian Tribal Tattoo Hada Alaskan Indian Tribal Tattoo

Hada Alaskan Indian Tribal tattoo: Nekt was told this is a Hada Alaskan Indian tribal tattoo. That was what they told Nekt when they put it on them. Nekt was a practice pig and would do anything for free tattoos. They put it on the back of their leg. It’s really old and faded, but it is Nekt’s favorite tattoo.

Star Wars Rebel Alliance Tattoo

Star Wars Rebel Alliance tattoo: This is Nekt’s most recent tattoo. Rebel Alliance for life, at least that is what Nekt tells their friends. In private, Nekt is an imperialist.

Promises a Myth

La Dispute Wildlife Tattoo

La Dispute Wildlife tattoo: Pohjola got this tattoo when they were I8.  Pohjola was really into the band La Dispute at the time. High school was pretty hard for Pohjola. La Dispute had an album called Wildlife that really resonated with them. The album really helped Pohjola get through this time. Pohjola got this as homage to the Wildlife album. La Dispute has a flower that is the band logo. Pohjola feels the flower is what everybody gets, and wanted to do something a little bit different.

Shark with Laser Tattoo

Shark with Laser tattoo: Pohjola really likes sharks. Sharks are Pohjola’s favorite animal, and have always been their favorite animal. Austin Powers was a movie Pohjola watched with their sisters growing up.  Pohjola’s friend Tony had drawn out the tattoo. Pohjola told Tony “I need that tattoo.” Tony did not have it drawn for Pohjola, but inadvertently it was drawn for Pohjola.

Pinky Promise Tattoo

Pinky Promise tattoo: In collage Pohjola met their best friend Kate. They kind of met out of happenstance, but lived together the majority of college. Kate came from Winston-Salem; Pohjola was coming from Clayton. They knew that when college ended they would be going their separate ways. They have a good bond. They wanted to document the bond. It was Kate’s first tattoo. Pohjola was honored that Kate wanted to get her first tattoo with them. Kate has an exact tattoo like this in the exact same spot. They call them their ‘bro tats. It was a pinky promise. Pohjola stated “We are not always going to be next to each other, and may not have time to talk every day, but this is a reminder that I am with you and I will be there for you when you really need me to be there for you.”

Elk of Hiisi Tattoo

Elk of Hiisi tattoo: This is currently Pohjola favorite for their story tattoos. All Pohjola life they want to get mythical creatures. Pohjola’s family is from Finland. The Finish have an epic creation story called the Kalevala. The Kalevala has all these characters and creatures and one of them is called the Elk of Hiisi. That was want Pohjola wanted because they felt like it had the coolest story. Pohjola is big into metal. The Elk of Hiisi was created by the Goblin King Hiisi. Hiisi wanted this creature to help him kidnap kids. Hiisi created this creature out of moss, sticks, and rocks. Hiisi then brought the elk to life in a ceremonial ritual. Pohjola stated “The story may seems kind of dark but I thought it was a neat story”.  Pohjola and their sisters all wanted to get a tattoo that demonstrates that part of their heritage. Pohjola wanted to get a tattoo that makes people want to ask about it. There is a fun part of having stories. Pohjola likes having tattoos because it gets people to talk to them.

Godzilla Tattoo

Godzilla Tattoo: Pohjola already had the shark with the laser beam tattoo. Pohjola was in Wilmington, and was visiting their boyfriend. Pohjola was scrolling through Instagram. Tony posted this was up for grabs and anybody can have it. Pohjola said “I have a shark with laser beams. This is a dino with laser eyes. I have to have this tattoo”. Pohjola messaged Tony and let him know they really wanted the tattoo. Pohjola was there until Sunday and asked Tony if they could be squeezed in. Tony said one guy wanted it before Pohjola. Tony had to ask him. The guys said Pohjola could have it. Pohjola went in Sunday at 7pm and had to drive back to Clayton really late. Pohjola said “It was fine. I was the winner and I got the laser beam T Rex.”


Tanamo’s Game

Tanamo Tattoo

Tanamo tattoo. Tanamo went by this name in high school and it stuck. Tanamo got the tattoo at age 19. That was almost 20 years ago. Stars were added just to fill the tattoo in.

Shotgun Halo Tattoo

Shotgun Halo tattoo: This tattoo is from a song’s lyric.  The song this tattoo comes from is Tanamo and their wife’s song.

Sailor Jerry Tattoo

Sailor Jerry tattoo: Tanamo just likes Sailor Jerry and got this Friday the 13th tattoo.

DH Tattoo

DH Tattoo: Initials of Tanamo’s name.

Chun Li Tattoo

Chun Li tattoo: Street Fighter is Tanamo’s main game.

Allman Brothers Eat A Peach Tattoo

Allman Brothers Eat A Peach tattoo. This was Tanamo’s father’s favorite album.


A Key to the Sun and Moon

Spade Tattoo

Spade tattoo. This was Durin’s first tattoo. Durin got the tattoo in New York with their best friend. They were on the L train, and decided to get tattoos at the spur of the moment. Durin’s friend got a club tattoo. Durin got a spade. Durin really likes spades. One of their meanings s the first leaf of the tree of Yggdrasil, the tree of life. Another meaning is associated with the earth goddess Gaia, as a shovel. Because of these meanings Durin feels really connected to spades.

Key Tattoo

Key tattoo. This was Durin’s second tattoo. It was a stick and poke that Durin’s friend Ted did. Durin really liked this tattoo. Durin has always loved keys ever since they were a kid. Durin is also ironically really bad at opening things.

Triple Goddess Tattoo

Triple Goddess Tattoo. Durin felt this tattoo paired really well with their key tattoo. Durin got this tattoo shortly after getting the key tattoo. It kind of feels like the key is opening the moon. That or a very veiled Lord of the Rings reference. This would be like in the Hobbit when the moon shines on the key hole. Durin also really loves the triple goddess. Durin is obsessed with the moon and has a really strong connection with the moon. The triple goddess also symbolizes the maiden, the mother, and the crone. These are kind of archetypes that you see cross-culturally. Durin really loves mythology, and earth goddess symbology.

Sunflower Heart Tattoo Sunflower Heart Tattoo

Sunflower Heart tattoo. This is an anatomical heart. Durin purposefully got the heart in grayscale. Durin has had a lot of struggles with grief and depression. The tattoo is a symbol of rebirth and death. Durin’s mom passed when they were 10. Their mom’s favorite flowers were sunflowers. The tattoo is a symbol of grief, but also new life coming out of that grief. The tattoo is of a moon flower. Durin loves the dichotomy of the sun and moon. Durin plans on growing sunflowers and moon flowers in their garden.