Tag Archives: Thor

Old Man Finds a Wanderer

Uruz Tattoo

Uruz Tattoo

Ansuz Tattoo

Ansuz Tattoo

Eihwaz Tattoo

Eihwaz Tattoo

Gothi was in the army until almost age 30 without any tattoos. Gothi was in the infantry as a combat arms MOS. Their job was to kill people and blow shit up. Not having a tattoo is rare in this group. Gothi resisted getting one for a long time, because there wasn’t a good reason. Gothi knew many people that were inked for reasons with no real meaning behind it, and some just because they liked the idea of having a tattoo. Gothi did not want to be that guy. Then, one day, Gothi started looking into the runes. Gothi had been involved in esoteric/mystic stuff as a teenager. For some reason after 8 years of being spiritually dead in the water in the army, the runes spiked Gothi’s interest. Gothi decided to get some runes tattoos.

Gothi settled on the runes Uruz, Ansuz, and Eihwaz. For Gothi, these stand for body, mind, and soul. Gothi admits this is kind of simplistic. Uruz for the body, Ansuz for mind, and Eiwaz for soul. Gothi ended up getting them tattooed from a kid in the barracks, because it was a cheap and simple design. After Gothi got these done, they did feel different. Gothi says, “everything I read said the runes work by themselves. The runes have power on their own without your involvement.”

Gothi went to airborne school because they got into special operations. Gothi was moving into a whole new mindset. One of the requirements was Gothi had to go to jump school. During this time, Gothi was reading about the runes. Gothi said “In order to understand the runes you should understand Norse mythology. You have understand the Norse gods because they are linked with the runes. The best way to find that knowledge is from modern practitioners.” Gothi figured there was a wiccan coven somewhere that was dedicated to the Norse. Gothi stumbled across Asatru, Steve McNallen, the AFA, and Edward Thorsson. Gothi read about the whole spectrum of politics. That is all Gothi did during airborne school. Gothi did airborne school during the day and read about Asatru in the evening. The idea of connecting to Gothi’s ancestors became a primary concern. This connected everything Gothi cared about: spirituality, toxic masculinity, war, and being better then the other guy. Killing the enemy and drinking their blood. There was a way to fit all of that in Asatru. It fit there. It was not a bastardized version of hermetic or Christianity where Gothi was supposed to turn the other cheek. There was a purpose behind it all and it all came together. The idea stuck. Gothi started meditating everyday at airborne school. Gothi would wake up 2 hours early before anything else to mediate and think about the gods.

Ægishjálmr (Helm of Awe) Tattoo

Ægishjálmr (Helm of Awe) Tattoo

Vegvisir (Norse Compass) Tattoo

Vegvisir (Norse Compass) Tattoo

Ægishjálmr (Helm of Awe) and Vegvisir (Norse compass) tattoos. Gothi got these tattoos because they wanted the effects. Gothi believed in the power of the runes. Even without a deep understand of what the runes meant. “I have it a little better now, but at the time I did not.” Gothi had accepted the idea the runes would work even without fully understanding them. Gothi stated “I did not have to power them. The power was inherent.” Once again, after getting the tattoos, Gothi felt different. Things changed. Gothi came home and within 3 days of me being stationed at home, Gothi started meditation again regularly. Gothi then reached out to Odin. Gothi always had a feeling if they called out to one of the Pagan gods they would answer, unlike the desert god, who is to big and ephemeral to deal with petty human concerns. When Gothi called to Odin there was a presence, and Gothi was not alone. It was real and Gothi was scared. What if Gothi had fucked up what if this is not the old man, Gothi had no way of checking ID. After a bunch of thinking and soul searching, and reaching out, Gothi determined they had in fact gotten the attention of the old man. Everything changed after that. Gothi accepted the presence that was there waiting everyday. Gothi felt a power they had never experienced before.

Valknut Tattoo

Valknut Tattoo

Shortly afterward, Gothi got the Valknut tattoo with the rune ring. Once again they felt different.

Thor's Hammer with Ravens Tattoo

Thor’s Hammer with Ravens Tattoo

Thor’s hammer with ravens tattoo. A year later, Gothi move to North Carolina. Gothi’s buddy’s wife was giving tattoos in exchange for donations. Gothi got a Thor hammer with two ravens. It is the least spiritual tattoo they have.

Web Of Wyrd Tattoo

Web Of Wyrd Tattoo

Web Of Wyrd Tattoo

Web Of Wyrd Tattoo

Web Of Wyrd tattoos: About a year after that, Gothi entered the seiðr trance. Gothi found out they were going to be a seiðr whether they liked it or not. Gothi placed their hands in the Web of Wyrd. Gothi knew what they were doing and what was happening. Gothi commemorated this with the Web Of Wyrd tattoos on each of their wrists. Both as a reminder of what they had done, and as a focus for when they do it again.

Gungnir with Hagalz, Othila, and Mannaz Tattoo

Gungnir with Hagalz, Othila, and Mannaz Tattoo

Gungnir with Hagalaz, Othila, and Mannaz tattoo. With in a week Gothi felt they were marked. Gothi said they were hanging by the tree. Gothi felt they had been marked by the spear and would never again be the same. This started without Gothi’s choice. Gothi does not always like it, it was scary. Gothi got this tattoo with Hagalaz, Othila, and Mannaz. Hagalaz was to commemorate the death of what Gothi was. Mannaz was to point out what Gothi is going to become. Othila was for the path Gothi is going to take to get there, inline with their ancestors.

Teiwaz Tattoo

Teiwaz Tattoo

Teiwaz tattoo. Shortly after that during Gothi’s daily mediation, Gothi experienced the seiðr trance for the first time with none of the usual preparation it takes to get there. It has not happened like that may times, as it normally take effort and intention. Gothi was shown a lot of things. Gothi was offered a choice. When Gothi was offered this choice they took an oath. The oath was very heavy, and had very significant consequences. In order to commemorate the oath and to remind themselves of what it is they agreed to, Gothi got the Tyr rune tattoo. This if for Githi to remember what they agreed to and to draw power from that agreement.

Thurisaz the Third Rune


Thurisaz is the third rune in the Elder Futhark. Thurisaz phonetically is, “Th.” Its literal meaning is “giant.” Its elements are air and fire. It’s in the first Aett, which is Freyja’s Aett. Its shape is a Thor’s hammer protecting us from the giants. I really like the quote from runesecrets, “Thurisaz represents the warrior that combines consciousness and wisdom with matters requiring force.”

Old Norwegian Poem:
Thurs (“Giant”) causes anguish to women,
misfortune makes few men cheerful.

Old Icelandic:
Thurs (“Giant”) is torture of women and cliff-dweller
and husband of a giantess Saturn’s thegn.

The thorn is exceedingly sharp,
an evil thing for any thegn to touch,
uncommonly severe on all who sit among them.

Right now, I am not sure how these poems connect to Thurisaz. I may figure it out by the end of the month.

Here are some of the meanings of this rune in divination:

  • Take wild strength and focus.
  • Will Power
  • Tool
  • Hard Work
  • Element of Danger
  • Hard Work pays off
  • It is normally a good sign in a read.
  • It is not a good sign in a relationship question.

Aug 19 2018: Update

Thurisaz was so far the most fun rune. It has a dedicated energy of focus. You can lose everything around you.

Personal Note: I do not really connect to Thor. I did get a connection to Vidar during this month of the Thurisaz. This may be a couple of reasons. Vidar’s the son of Odin and the jotunn Grider. Thurisaz means giant so it connects with this. I could also see the symbol as Vidar standing up in Fenrir’s mouth. Vidar is also the god of leather work, which requires the dedicated focus. This is of course my opinion. I am sure someone will tell me that it must only connect to Thor, and I doing it wrong.