Tag Archives: tiwaz

Old Man Finds a Wanderer: Part 2 Hella

This is part two of Old Man Finds A Wanderer:

Hagalaz tattoo: Gothi got this rune because they developed a closeness to Hella. Hagalaz is very much Hella’s rune. It was not until after Gothi got the tattoo that they noticed. All of the tattoos happened organically. Gothi is inspired and then follows inspiration. Gothi noticed a theme had developed. “On the right I had Tiwaz. Tyr is a model Aesir. If you would ask who embodies the Aesir it would be Tyr, though Odin would transcend all of that. Which is the same side as my Thor’s hammer.” The Hagalaz tattoo is on their left.

Hella Tattoo

Hella tattoo: Shortly after getting the Hagalaz, Gothi got the Hella tattoo, because the bond kept getting closer. Hella is holding the Ear position.

Bind Rune tattoo: The Ear rune at the top means the grave. Gothi does not really mess with the Anglo-Saxon runes but in this case it was imperative. It was the first tattoo that was not Gothi’s idea. Gothi was told to do this by the gods, so they did. This one is the Hell road.

Bind Rune tattoo: This is the balancing rune to the rune above. This tattoo was also an imperative. Gothi was told by the gods to create this. Gothi did contribute to this tattoo’s creation.

Gothi is not really sure what the bind runes are for. Gothi just knows they are imperative.

True Dream of Peace

Arrow Head, Tiwaz, Dream Catcher Tattoo

Arrowhead, Tiwaz, and dream catcher tattoo. The first tattoo was the arrowhead by itself. The arrowhead has the Germanic rune for Tyr in the center. It has Hikyuu’s Kung Fu family name, Pi, at the top. The symbol could be translated to White Warrior. Hikyuu wanted to get this tattoo since a very young age. A few years after getting the arrowhead, Hikyuu got the dream catcher around the arrow head with two eagle feathers coming down. That addition completed the tattoo. The tattoo is like Hikyuu’s dreams and reality; they are all caught in there. Hikyuu believes it catches things as they come through.

Green Peace Tattoo
Greenpeace tattoo: The tattoo is a blue-green sun. This is for the colors of the ocean. Hikyuu then got the peace sign in the middle of the sun. The peace sign is also the Germanic rune for Algiz. Algiz is an elk standing in the middle of the field keeping watch, and always being protective. It is Hikyuu’s way of always being able to look down and remember, “you are after protection and peace.”