Tag Archives: Zodiac

A Tribute to Bowie and the Inner Demon

David Bowie Tattoo

David Bowie Tattoo. He was Baal’s favorite musician. When Baal was the weird person in high school, Bowie made them feel ok being different, and that being different was something to celebrate. David Bowie has always been Baal’s idol. When Bowie died, Baal decided to tribute their whole back to Bowie. The stars underneath the portrait is for Bowie’s last album, Blackstar. That album was intensely meaningful to Baal, because it is Bowie’s legacy. Baal said Bowie speaks about his death before it happened in this album. He passed 3 days after Blackstar was released. Baal stated, “It’s really powerful to me.”

Vinyl Records tattoo

Vinyl Records tattoo. This is what got Baal’s music taste going. Baal’s dad gave them his vinyl collection and now they collect vinyls. This is really important to Baal.

Venus and Taurus tattoo

Venus and Taurus tattoo that is Baal’s Zodiac sign. This was an impulsive tattoo.

GRL PWR tattoo

GRL PWR tattoo. The girl power tattoo was their first tattoo. Baal kinda always wanted to get this tattoo, because Baal was super-feminist. Baal says they still are but… in politics it has been misrepresented. There are so many branches now, and more fighting than anything with it. Ball stated, “I still love grls, equal rights, and all that.”

Mushroom tattoo

Mushroom tattoo is a matching tattoo with a girl that Baal did mushrooms with. A few days after eating mushrooms, they got the tattoos.  Baal says the tattoo is just cause they like mushrooms.

Polly Nor Inner Demon tattoo

Inner demon tattoo. This tattoo is Baal’s inner demon. The picture is by the artist Polly Nor. Polly draws women and their demons. Polly is a British artist and Baal loves her work. Baal got the inner demon tattoo to remind them of when they get in places that not the greatest. Baal used to smoke both things, and does not anymore.

Ziggy Stardust Lightning Bolt tattoo

Ziggy Stardust Lightning Bolt tattoo. Ziggy was one of the personas of David Bowie with glam rock, way back in the day.