The Moon Starts a Metamorphosis

gladiolus flower tattoo

Gladiolus Flower tattoo. One of Psyche’s favorite flowers because it symbolizes being strong in adversity.

metamorphosis tattoo

Metamorphosis tattoo. This tattoo is connected to the metamorphosis. On the left the chrysalis is growing and becoming a butterfly. It is the story of transformation. The branch is a Dogwood tree. Psyche feels like they went through all of these stages in North Carolina. The Dogwood is state tree of North Carolina.

Pelvis tattoo with rose in it

Pelvis tattoo with rose in it. Reminder that their strength is in their pelvis. It is also a symbol of being a survivor of abuse.

A woman with a wolf over her head tattoo

A woman with a wolf over her head tattoo.  Psyche’s favorite metaphor of the wild woman. The tattoo is based off a book by Clarissa Pinkola Estés called Women Who Run with the Wolves. This is Psyche’s go-to book for spiritual road map.

butterfly tattoo

Butterfly tattoo. Psyche got this tattoo the day after getting divorced.  It is their divorce tattoo, because Psyche thinks of themselves as the butterfly.

Moon tattoo

Moon tattoo. First tattoo Psyche ever got. Boyfriend got it for Psyche, then Psyche dumped him. Psyche kept getting tattoos after this. Physic feels connected to moon, and paints the moon in their artwork.

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