This cat loves god and fears nothing

My first tattoo was Sylvester. I was young. He is my favorite character. That image of him fit my personality. Young and dumb kind of thing. I still love it and would not get rid of it even if I could.
Tetelestai is Greek for it is finished. It is the last word Jesus spoke on the cross when he was hung on the cross. He said it is finished meaning your sin debt is paid in full. There were 2 thieves next to him and he was in the middle. Worked that into the word, and surrounded with a crown of thorns.

Love god fear nothing is a motto I came up with years and years ago. I am a professional patient. Kidney failure, dialysis, cancer, all kinds of stuff you would not believe. My faith carried me through this idea of loving god and not fearing what is going to happen.

The lion has 2nd Timothy 1:7. For God gave us not our spirit of oneness, but the power of love and self-discipline. That is one of my favorite verses. I got it in an area where every time I gave blood, the lion would be looking at me.

Seethe with Hebrew. This is as close as I could get to Love God Fear Nothing translated to Hebrew. My pastor helped me with this one.
Hope is always in both directions.

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