The first tattoo I got was the blue wolf with Chinese characters. The top one is family, and the bottom one is friends. I have that close to my heart because I care about those people. They are in Mandarin Chinese. I took Mandarin Chinese in middle school. I love the language.

You are wanted. You are loved. This is in my mom’s handwriting. It’s a meaningful tattoo to me.

The blue wolf. I am a lone wolf with a lot of things. Blue is my favorite color, and wolves are my favorite animal. It seemed perfect to get as my first tattoo.

I got the red dragon tattoo. I am a lone wolf, but I am also like a dragon leader in that I take charge if I need to. I got the tribal tattoo because I find myself as a warrior. The moon is because I am not like the sun. Instead, I am cool and calm like the moon.