Wunjo – The Joy Rune

Wunjo is the eighth rune in the Elder Futhark. Wunjo is phonetically, “w.” Wunjo is the Freyja’s Aett, which is the first Aett. It’s the last rune in Freya’s Aett. It may be connected to earth element. My guess is this most connected to Freyja.

Wunjo is the joy rune. From Norse it would mean joy or bliss. That or being without hardship.  With the Norse most things did not come easy, so happiness would need to be worked for. Wunjo would be the energies that help with that focus. Thurisaz, a rune associated with hard work, looks much like Wunjo. This might be why.

Old English or Anglo-Saxon Poem:
Who uses it knows no pain, sorrow nor anxiety,
and he himself has prosperity and bliss, and enough shelter.

Another version:
Joy is had by the one who knows few troubles,
pains or sorrows, and to him who himself has,
power and blessedness, and also the plenty of towns.

Face up in a reading:
Could be like a drug
Have to do, can’t escape
Anything you do, may forget everything else.
Absolute joy
This is the one thing you need in your life
What is joy? It can be fleeting and can change
Deep rooted contentment
It is hard to know what will make you happy
Most people spend more time looking for joy, then having joy

Face Down:
Lack of fulfillment
Hate yourself
Pull eject lever

Freyja is the herder of cats. My neighbor, who had fed a bunch of feral cats, moved out. I was meditating and had the thought that I needed to check on these cats. All of their food was gone. I went to Walmart, and found 20 lbs of cat food for $3.50. I believe Freyja was helping guide me to take over the feeding of this herd of feral cats. I may be proven wrong by the end of the month.

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